Unveiling the Innovative Smoke Guard M4000: Ultimate Protection for Wide Openings
December 21, 2023
Welcome to the revolutionary M4000 by Smoke Guard, a cutting-edge solution engineered to protect openings up to 15 feet in drop length and an impressive width of 220 feet. Explore the capabilities of the M4000: Link to M4000 details here.
M4000 Overview
The Smoke Guard Model 4000 Perimeter (M4000) is a fire and smoke-rated textile curtain system designed to comply with codes. It serves as a vertically-deploying barrier, preventing the spread of smoke and flames or acting as a reservoir for smoke in spacious areas like atriums. This curtain system perfectly complements existing mechanical smoke and fire containment systems or can function as an additional fire curtain.
M4000, Spanx Corporate Offices, Atlanta, GA
Key Features
Versatile Configuration: Adaptable to closed or multi-faceted open-ended layouts, without the need for corner support columns or posts.
Customizable Angles: Curtain panel angles ranging from 30° to 150° for tailored deployment.
Obstruction Detection: Equipped with optional obstruction sensors to detect and navigate impediments during deployment.
Finish Options: Standard galvanized finish with customizable powder coat options available in any RAL color format.
Technical Details
Codes and Standards: Compliant with IBC requirements for passive barriers in smoke control systems, ideal for atriums, stairwells, escalators, and more.
Housing Dimensions: Compact size at 9”H x 19 3⁄8"D (230mmH x 490mmD).
Electrical Control and Power Source: Deployed by alarm signals from local smoke detectors or fire control panels, with a 24VDC battery backup supported by a universal power supply adaptable to international electrical requirements. It can also connect to building standby power.
Optional Egress Buttons: Wall-mounted buttons allow electronically-enabled egress for occupants or first responders during alarm states.
Clear Opening Sizes: Safeguards openings up to 15'-0” in drop height and custom widths up to 200'-0" linear feet.
Fail-Safe Features: Gravity fail-safe system ensures full deployment to the floor in the event of total electrical power loss. Visual and audible fault-reporting alerts for necessary corrective actions.
Optional Obstruction Sensors: Added safety feature detecting obstructions during deployment, ensuring continuous operational effectiveness.
Video Presentation
@smokeguard #smokeguard #firesafety #firecurtain #smokecurtain
Company: Smoke Guard, Inc.
Source: https://smokeguard.com/products/perimeter/m4000
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