About Smoke Guard, Inc.

Smoke Guard, Inc.
287 N. Maple Grove
City, state:
Boise, ID
Postal code:
United States
208-639-7850 Fax:
Flexible Fire and Smoke Protection
Smoke Guard provides innovative and aesthetically appealing fire and smoke protection systems to fit any purpose and any opening in your building.
Our complete range of curtain systems is flexible—both physically and in application. Our protective systems can cover every opening, from small dimension dumbwaiters and pass-through counters to expansive atrium spaces and proscenium curtains for theater stage spaces.
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News archive:
How Smoke Curtains Work and Why They Matter in Building Fire Safety (Jan 07, 2025)
Choosing the Best Fire-Resistant Materials and Systems for Commercial Spaces (Oct 30, 2024)
Smoke Guard M4000 Fire-Rated Curtain (Sep 04, 2024)
Model 2100 Smoke Curtain from Smoke Guard (Jul 06, 2024)
Model 3000 Horizontal Smoke Curtain from Smoke Guard (May 14, 2024)
Model 200 Smoke Curtain from Smoke Guard (Mar 02, 2024)
Case Study: Smoke Curtain at Nebraska Historical Museum (Dec 23, 2023)
New: Smoke Guard Hose Stream 2100 (Oct 24, 2023)
Smoke Guard M4000 Fire-Rated Curtain (Aug 22, 2023)
SG Draft from Smoke Guard (Jun 22, 2023)
Model 3000 Horizontal Smoke Curtain from Smoke Guard (Apr 20, 2023)
Model 2100 Smoke Curtain from Smoke Guard (Feb 15, 2023)
Model 200 Smoke Curtain from Smoke Guard (Dec 01, 2022)
Project Showcase: University of Arizona Student Success District (Sep 15, 2022)
Top 4 Things to Think About When Specifying Fire and Smoke Curtains (Jun 24, 2022)
Case Study: ProHealth Cancer Center (Apr 02, 2022)
The Best Types of Smoke Barriers in Hospitals (Jan 13, 2022)
Project Showcase: Smoke Protection at the University of Michigan (Oct 13, 2021)
Flexible Fire and Smoke Protection from Smoke Guard (Jul 23, 2021)
Case Study: Nebraska Historical Museum (Apr 28, 2021)
Case Study: Technology Company in Redmond, WA (Jan 26, 2021)
Smoke Guard M4000 Fire-Rated Curtain (Oct 22, 2020)
Case Study: Norwood Senior Living (Jul 28, 2020)
Smoke Guard Flexible Fire and Smoke Protection (Apr 23, 2020)
Smoke Guard Model 3000 Smoke Curtain (Jan 13, 2020)
Fire and Smoke Curtain at University of Michigan Biological Sciences Building (Oct 02, 2019)
M200 and M400 Smoke Curtains for Elevators (Jun 19, 2019)
SG Draft automatic smoke removal (Jan 17, 2019)
M2500 Vertical Fire + Smoke Curtain (Oct 04, 2018)
Smoke Guard horizontal M3000 (Jun 27, 2018)
Applying Fire Protection Elements Into Aircraft Hangar Designs (Jun 03, 2018)
Smoke Guard SG Draft (Feb 03, 2018)
M200 and M400 Smoke Curtains for Elevators (Oct 03, 2017)
Smoke Curtain M4000 (Aug 30, 2017)
The Smoke Guard system Model 2500 Smoke Curtain (May 29, 2017)
New in AECinfo.com: Smoke Guard, Inc. (Mar 17, 2017)
Smoke containment systems (Apr 30, 2010)
Smoke containment systems (Dec 01, 2009)
Smoke Guard technology saves floors Tokyo Residential Building (Apr 21, 2009)
Ocean Towers Condominiums (Sep 26, 2008)
(07870) Smoke Containment Barrier (07 87 00) Smoke Containment Barriers |
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