Guard Houses
April 12, 2021
Par-Kut provides the most rugged and well built guard houses, guard booths, guard shelters, border inspection booths, security access control checkpoints and observation towers. Par-Kut’s guard houses are all prefabricated guard houses. Our customers include government, private industry, airports, nuclear power plants and U.S. Military facilities across the country and around the world. Par-Kut’s all welded steel construction and use of durable, low maintenance materials ensure the guard booth’s greatest longevity. Special security features are offered to customize the security guard booth to your location requirements and to keep your security officers comfortable as well as secure. Go to BULLET RESISTANT to learn more about Par-Kut’s enhanced ballistic construction options for hi-risk environments.
In some industries, guard houses or guard booths are known as guard shacks. Whether described as a security guard shack, portable guard house, security guard house, or security guard booth, Par-Kut factory-assembled, portable steel buildings provide a ready-made solution to your security shelter problem.
Par-Kut offers guard house drawings and guard house designs to suit just about every application and if we haven’t helped somebody with a similar requirement in the past, we will work with you to provide guard house designs to meet your site specific needs. In fact, the simplest way to start a productive dialogue is to send us a simple thumb nail sketch showing your guard booth drawing or guard house design. Par-Kut stands ready to assist you with your guard house architecture and guard shack floor plans.
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For a guard house best for your location, and best for your guard house budget over the long run, call one of our sales professionals here at Par-Kut. Investing only a few minutes of time for discussion will enable you to receive a quotation for a guard booth or guard shack that is catered to your specific situation. Whether you need a standard, a bullet resistant or an elevated or highly portable trailer mounted guard house or security booth; a durable steel PAR-KUT guardhouse will meet your needs and provide you a service life unsurpassed by any competitor.
When you are speaking with a Par-Kut sales professional about your guard house, especially, a prefab guard house, it is important to identify the city and state where your guard booths are going to be installed. Codes regulating all types of factory assembled structures, including prefab guard houses, vary from state to state. Please have this information ready when you contact Par-Kut for a quote on your guard house. Prefabricated guard houses are lumped together with other pre manufactured structures for code purposes, although this practice does not take into consideration the vast differences in typical applications. However, a guard house from Par-Kut will meet or exceed most model building codes. Prefabricated guard booths can be amortized for tax purposes if recordable as the proper type of equipment. Check with your accounting dept, or financial advisor to see what steps should be taken for proper recording of your prefabricated guard booth. Prefab guard shacks and modular guard houses, when specified and purchased properly, will serve for decades. Par-Kut will work with you to outline your needs and a budget price for the guard shack or guard house that you need for a guard shelter.
Go to GALLERIES to view additional guard houses.
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@ParkutInternational #ParkutInternational
Company: Par-Kut International, Inc.
Product: Security Booths
Source: http://www.parkut.com/booths/applications/guard-houses/
In Plant Office Applications (June 12, 2019), Portable security booths (February 22, 2018), Parking Booth (December 27, 2016), Architects turn to prefab materials (May 1, 2015)