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About Par-Kut International, Inc.

Par-Kut International, Inc.

40961 Production Drive
City, state:
Harrison Township, MI
Postal code:
48045-01351 show map
United States

Welcome to Par-Kut International – a manufacturer of portable steel buildings since 1954. For over 60 years, Par-Kut International has been committed to providing the safest, most attractive and durable portable steel buildings including guard booths, guard houses, guard shacks, security booths, parking booths, ticket booths, toll booths, smoking shelters, in plant offices and more to virtually every industry known. Please watch the Par-Kut portable steel building videos.

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Company Information from Par-Kut International, Inc.

Company Information from Par-Kut International, Inc.
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Par-Kut portable steel buildings
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Par-Kut Product Catalog
A portable steel building for every application
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Products from Par-Kut International, Inc.

Products from Par-Kut International, Inc.
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Bullet Resistant Guard Booth Looking for a bullet resistant guard booth or bullet proof security building? While there is really no such thing as “bullet proof”, a bullet resistant guard booth protects the occupants within (security officers, parking lot attendants, ticket... Brochures 3-Part CSI specifications CAD details URL
Security Booths Par-Kut provides the safest and most secure security booths, gatehouses, guard shelters, border inspection booths, security checkpoints and gun surveillance towers to government, private industry, airports and U.S. Military facilities everywhere.... Brochures 3-Part CSI specifications CAD details URL
Guard Houses Par-Kut provides the most rugged and well built guard houses, guard booths, guard shelters, border inspection booths, security access control checkpoints and observation towers. Par-Kut’s guard houses are all prefabricated guard houses. Our customers... Brochures 3-Part CSI specifications CAD details URL
Parking Booths From single unit commercial structures to airport plazas and municipal parking facilities, Par-Kut builds quality parking booths that last regardless the location. Solid welded construction and corrosion resistant materials help Par-Kut parking... Brochures 3-Part CSI specifications CAD details URL
Attendent Booths A Par-Kut attendant booth offers your customers and clients a level of service, convenience and security that allows your business stand apart from others. When you purchase an attendant booth from Par-Kut, the attendant booth will provide a focal... Brochures 3-Part CSI specifications CAD details URL
Cashier Booths Cashier booths are used in many settings, from parking lots, to car washes, to parks and marinas, airports and tourist attractions. Par-Kut International offers several styles and too many sizes of cashier booths to list them all here. From basic to... Brochures 3-Part CSI specifications CAD details URL
Information Booths First time visitors appreciate somebody to talk with when they arrive at a facility they are not familiar with. In addition to the positive marketing aspects of a visitor contact station or information booth, the installation of a factory assembled... Brochures 3-Part CSI specifications CAD details URL
Entrance Booths There are many applications where customers desire to have their architectural design continued right out to the front gate. This particular booth had the side walls, below the window line, prepped for an on-site matching brick installation. Factory... Brochures 3-Part CSI specifications CAD details  
Shelters  More information Steel Shelters, Prefabricated Shelters, Modular Aluminum Shelters, Bus Shelters, Smoking Shelters, Operator Shelters and Pay Station Shelters. Brochures 3-Part CSI specifications CAD details URL
Dedication Monuments As a company our firm has specialized in the design and manufacture of portable steel buildings since 1954. Recently we have branched out to meet a need that has not been met by other suppliers. Our new product is known by various names, including... Brochures 3-Part CSI specifications CAD details URL
Prefabricated Offices Par-Kut prefab offices (prefabricated offices) have no limitations or constraints. All steel welded construction allows unlimited design styles, shapes, sizes, and the ability of fast relocation. Unlike most panelized units that must be dismantled,... Brochures 3-Part CSI specifications CAD details URL
Modular In Plant Offices Par-Kut supplies cost-effective in plant offices such as modular inplant offices with pre-engineered modular office systems that provide solutions for efficient space utilization. From a simple wall dividing system to a single office, multiple office... Brochures 3-Part CSI specifications CAD details URL

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News archive:
Pay Station Shelters from Par-Kut International (Apr 16, 2024)
Par-Kut International - Prefabricated Offices (Feb 19, 2024)
Par-Kut International - Supervisors Office (Dec 09, 2023)
Bullet Resistant Par-Kut Security Booth (Oct 11, 2023)
Par-Kut Ticket Booth Custom Built for River Boat Company Operating on The Chicago River (Aug 08, 2023)
Bus Shelters from Par-Kut International (Jun 21, 2023)
Par-Kut Car Wash Booth (Apr 19, 2023)
Par-Kut International Prison Towers (Feb 14, 2023)
The Benefits of a Prefab Ticket Booth (Nov 29, 2022)
All About Transit Shelter Design (Sep 13, 2022)
Modular Security Building from Par-Kut International (Jun 22, 2022)
Par-Kut International Modular In Plant Offices (Jun 03, 2022)
Par-Kut International Steel Shelters (Mar 15, 2022)
Benefits of a Security Booth for your Businesses (Dec 16, 2021)
Delivery and Installation of Par-Kut Portable Steel Buildings (Sep 23, 2021)
A Portable Steel Building for Every Situation (Jun 24, 2021)
Par-Kut International Entrance Booths (Mar 25, 2021)
Checkpoint Booth Uses and Benefits (Dec 16, 2020)
Par-Kut International Entrance Booths (Sep 24, 2020)
Par-Kut International Parking Booths (Jun 20, 2020)
Par-Kut International Bullet Resistant Guard Booth (Mar 24, 2020)

(02800) Site Improvements and Amenities
(02875) Site and Street Shelter
(10530) Protective Cover
(10538) Canopies
(11100) Mercentile Equipment
(11150) Parking Control Equipment
(13030) Special Purpose Room
(13045) Special Rooms
(13046) Shelters and Booths
(13047) Shelters
(13050) Prefabricated Rooms
(13058) Bullet Resistant Protection Rooms
(13072) Blast-Resistant Construction
(13100) Lightning Protection
(13120) Pre-Engineered Structure
(13121) Pre-Engineered Buildings
(13122) Metal Building Systems
(13123) Glazed Structures
(13124) Portable and Mobile Buildings
(13126) Observatories
(13136) Portable & Mobile Buildings
(01 83 16) Exterior Enclosure Performance Requirements
(02 43 13.13) Building Relocation
(08 34 56) Security Gates
(08 56 53) Security Windows
(08 88 53) Security Glazing
(10 12 00) Display Cases
(10 73 00) Protective Covers
(10 73 13) Awnings
(10 73 16) Canopies
(10 73 23) Car Shelters
(10 73 26) Walkway Coverings
  (10 73 43) Transportation Stop Shelters
(11 12 13) Parking Key and Card Control Units
(11 12 16) Parking Ticket Dispensers
(11 12 26) Parking Fee Collection Equipment
(11 12 26.13) Parking Fee Coin Collection Equipment
(11 12 33) Parking Gates
(11 18 00) Security Equipment
(11 21 00) Mercantile and Service Equipment
(11 21 43) Weighing and Wrapping Equipment
(13 20 00) Special Purpose Rooms
(13 21 13) Clean Rooms
(13 21 26) Cold Storage Rooms
(13 21 48) Sound-Conditioned Rooms
(13 22 00) Office Shelters and Booths
(13 23 00) Planetariums
(13 24 16) Saunas
(13 24 26) Steam Baths
(13 24 66) Athletic Rooms
(13 26 00) Fabricated Rooms
(13 27 00) Vaults
(13 31 00) Fabric Structures
(13 31 23) Tensioned Fabric Structures
(13 34 00) Fabricated Engineered Structures
(13 34 13) Glazed Structures
(13 34 16) Grandstands and Bleachers
(13 34 19) Metal Building Systems
(13 34 23) Fabricated Structures
(13 34 56) Observatories
(13 44 00) Modular Mezzanines
(26 41 00) Facility Lightning Protection
(32 30 00) Site Improvements
(33 79 93) Site Lightning Protection
(34 42 29) Station Agent Equipment

For other relevant searches, you might want to try: Attendant Booths, Bullet Resistant, Cashier Booths, Control Booths, Custom, Guard Booths, Industrial Booths, Information Booths, Operator Shelters, Parking Booths, Pay Machine, Security Booths, Security Buildings, Shelters, Ticket Booths, Toll Booths.