Expert studies show that the Xypex non-soluble crystalline structures protect & heal concrete from within
April 12, 2022
Scanning Electron Microscope image of a Xypex treated sample at 2500x magnification.
It has been over 50 years since Xypex Chemical Corporation first coined the phrase “Concrete Waterproofing by Crystallization”, a statement and concept that represented a radical departure from traditional surface-reliant barrier products of the day
Pursuing an entirely new path, Xypex developed a unique technology that takes advantage of the natural and porous characteristics of concrete. With water as the catalyst, Xypex’s proprietary chemicals react with the natural by-products of cement hydration (calcium hydroxide, mineral salts, mineral oxides, and un-hydrated and partially-hydrated cement particles), forming a nonsoluble crystalline structure within the interconnected pores and other voids in concrete. In this way, the crystalline structure becomes a permanent, integral part of the concrete matrix itself, preventing the ingress of water and other liquids even under strong hydrostatic pressure, and providing protection against harsh, aggressive environments.
Since the introduction of Xypex, tens of thousands of concrete structures around the world have been waterproofed and protected with this unique crystalline technology and, over the years, extensive research, testing and performance success have furthered the awareness, understanding and confidence in Xypex, earning both the technology and the company an enviable reputation as the world standard in crystalline waterproofing.
Xypex has enjoyed considerable success, so it comes as no surprise that products attempting to imitate our proprietary crystalline technology can be found in today’s marketplace. Responding to the growth in permeabilityreducing admixtures, the American Concrete Institute (ACI) issued a document (ACI 212-3R-16) that clarifies performance expectations by separating additives into two sub-categories: additives for concrete not subject to hydrostatic pressure; and additives for concrete that is subject to hydrostatic pressure, including crystalline technology.
In the following pages, using the high-power imaging capability of a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), we display visual evidence that clearly differentiates Xypex from all other products in the waterproofing admixtures category. SEM is a technique whereby a precise photographic image of a microstructure is produced by scanning it with a focused beam of electrons. Extremely high degrees of magnification can be attained and, at x500 magnification, Xypex crystalline formations at work can be seen.
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Company: Xypex Chemical Corporation
Product: Coating > Xypex Concentrate
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