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About MarShield - a division of The MarsMetal Company

MarShield - a division of The MarsMetal Company

4140 Morris Drive
City, state:
Burlington, ON
Postal code:
L7L 5L6 show map
David Holden

Every Solution in Shielding

Since 1979, MarShield has been North America’s premier lead caster, manufacturer and global supplier of gamma and neutron radiation shielding products and materials to the nuclear energynuclear medicinediagnostic imagingnon-destructive testing and design / build markets. From lead, to tungsten, bismuth, iron, borated polyethylene and non-lead alternatives materials options, we offer design & consultation and will bring turn-key solutions to your radiation shielding challenges.

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Company Information from MarShield - a division of The MarsMetal Company

Company Information from MarShield - a division of The MarsMetal Company
Preview Description Format Size Open
MarShield MRI/RF Shielding Brochure
MarShield MRI/RF Shielding Brochure
JPG 28 kB Open
MarShield Medical Brochure
MarShield Medical Brochure
PDF 995 kB Open
MarShield Nuclear Brochure
MarShield Nuclear Brochure
PDF 948 kB Open
MarShield Non-Destructive Testing Brochure
MarShield Non-Destructive Testing Brochure
PDF 5.6 MB Open
MarShield Nanotek Brochure
MarShield Nanotek Brochure
PDF 511 kB Open
Plasti-Shield® Boron Filled Polyethylene Shielding Brochure
Plasti-Shield® Boron Filled Polyethylene Shielding Brochure
PDF 559 kB Open

Products from MarShield - a division of The MarsMetal Company

Products from MarShield - a division of The MarsMetal Company
RFI Preview Product Description Brochures 3-Part CSI specifications CAD details URL
Build/Construction Materials EZ Quick Shielding Panels, Sheet Lead, Lead Bricks, Lead Lined Drywall, Lead Lined Plywood, High Density Concrete Blocks, Borated Polyethylene, Borated Polyethylene Pellets. Brochures 3-Part CSI specifications CAD details URL
Doors & Windows Lead Curtains, Lead Lined Doors, Lead Lined Windows, Lead Glass, Clear Lead Acrylic. Brochures 3-Part CSI specifications CAD details URL
X-Ray Rooms, Walls, Curtains & Booths X-Ray Rooms, EZ Quick Shielding Panels, Stationary Barriers / Walls, Lead Curtains, Mobile Clear Leaded Glass Barrier, Mobile Clear Leaded Acrylic Barrier, Mobile Adjustable Height Shields, Mobile Porta-Shields, Booth/Vaults. Brochures 3-Part CSI specifications CAD details URL
Medical imaging/facility shielding MarShield is an industry leader in radiation shielding materials for medical, veterinary, dental and healthcare facilities shielding. Our extensive inventory of Lead Lined Drywall, Lead Lined Plywood, Sheet Lead, Lead Glass and Lead Curtains are... Brochures 3-Part CSI specifications CAD details URL
Nuclear Radiation Shielding Lead Bricks, Lead Pours, Borated Polyethylene, Borated Polyethylene Pellets, Lead Wool Shielding Blankets, Lead Wool Snakes & Wraps/Annulus, High Density Concrete Blocks, Lead Shot. Brochures 3-Part CSI specifications CAD details URL
Radiography/NDT Radiation shielding is often required in industrial x-ray and non-destructive testing (NDT) applications. MarShield’s broad range of radiation shielding solutions can be used to protect sensitive components and the equipment operator from x-rays... Brochures 3-Part CSI specifications CAD details URL
T-Flex® Tungsten Shielding T-Flex Tungsten, Bismuth Blankets, T-Flex Ribbon Wrap, T-Flex Pipe Shielding, T-Flex Floor Shielding, T-Flex Custom, T-Flex Racking & Storage, T-Flex Magnetic, T-Flex Nuclear Medicine Laboratory, T-Flex Nuclear Dry Cask. Brochures 3-Part CSI specifications CAD details URL
Nuclear Storage Lead Storage Containers, Lead Lined Cabinets. Brochures 3-Part CSI specifications CAD details URL
Sheet Lead Marshield has 70 tons of sheet lead in stock and ready to ship. Manufactured from pure lead conforming to ASTM B-29, B-749 and Federal QQ-L-201F, QQ-L-171E standards. Brochures 3-Part CSI specifications CAD details URL
Nuclear Medicine Solutions MarShield is an industry leader in products for the nuclear medicine field. Our extensive inventory of lead lined cabinets, lead storage containers, high-energy shielded decay drums and tungsten vial & syringe shields are available at extremely... Brochures 3-Part CSI specifications CAD details URL
Nuclear Energy MarShield continues to be a leader in the field of lead and lead alternative nuclear shielding solutions. Our in-house designed and manufactured Lead Storage Containers, High-Energy Shielded Decay Drums and Lead Lined Cabinets provide superior... Brochures 3-Part CSI specifications CAD details URL
Tungsten Heavy Alloy MarShield Radiation Shielding are experts in the in the customization of tungsten heavy alloy for the Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Medicine/Radioisotope, diagnostic imaging and non-destructive testing industries. Brochures 3-Part CSI specifications CAD details URL

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News archive:
Precision Cutting of Borated Polyethylene (Jul 09, 2024)
Choosing the Right Radiation Shielding: Factors Considered by a Shielding Materials Expert (Jun 06, 2024)
Radiation Protection for Dental Applications from MarShield (Apr 04, 2024)
Nuclear Radiation Shielding Solutions From MarShield (Feb 08, 2024)
Get Proper Lead Protection from Radiation with MarShield’s Lead Brick Shielding (Nov 29, 2023)
High Density Concrete Blocks from MarShield (Sep 30, 2023)
SCIF & MRI Room Shielding from MarShield (Jul 27, 2023)
Medical Radiation Shielding Products from MarShield (May 26, 2023)
MarShield Borated Polyethylene Shielding Solutions (Mar 21, 2023)
Designing Radiation Shielding for NDT and Other Industries (Jan 10, 2023)
Choose MarShield for Radiation Shielding Solutions in Nuclear Medicine (Oct 25, 2022)
MarShield Lead Curtains (Sep 26, 2022)
Case Study: Tungsten Custom Shielding Plates for CT Scanner Project (Jul 09, 2022)
Case Study: Radiation Shielding Storage Unit for X-Ray Equipment (Apr 16, 2022)
Designing and Manufacturing a Custom Cabinet With L-Block Shield and Cave (Mar 14, 2022)
Non-Lead Materials for The Radiation Shielding Industry (Dec 13, 2021)
Case Study: MarShield’s Mobile Shielding Barriers Reduce Workers Exposure to Radiation By 50% (Sep 30, 2021)
Case Study: X-Ray Shielding in the Art World for the Indianapolis Museum of Art Conservation Science Department (Jul 19, 2021)
RF Shielding for MRI Imaging Rooms (Apr 17, 2021)
MarShield Nuclear Medicine Solutions (Jan 12, 2021)
Designing and Manufacturing a Custom Cabinet With L-Block Shield and Cave (Oct 12, 2020)
Adjustable Mobile Shield from MarShield (Aug 29, 2020)
Leaded Acrylic: Shatter-Resistant, Versatile Solution to Radiation Shielding (May 29, 2020)
MarShield Radiation Shielding Pleased to Announce CSA N299.3-16 Accreditation [h1] (Apr 20, 2020)
Modular X-Ray Shielding Rooms for Temporary Hospital Sites (Apr 09, 2020)

(01350) Special Procedures
(06100) Rough Carpentry
(08110) Steel Doors and Frame
(08210) Wood Door
(08300) Specialty Door
(08340) Special Function Door
(08580) Special Function Window
(08710) Door Hardware
(09205) Furring and Lathing
(09260) Gypsum Board Assemblies
(09900) Paints and Coating
(12560) Institutional Furniture
(13090) Radiation Protection
(13092) High-Energy Radiation Protection
(01 35 00) Special Procedures
(02 83 13) Lead Hazard Control Activities
(05 50 00) Metal Fabrications
(05 58 00) Formed Metal Fabrications
(05 59 00) Metal Specialties
(06 10 00) Rough Carpentry
(08 01 56) Operation and Maintenance of Special Function Windows
(08 11 13) Hollow Metal Doors and Frames
(08 11 13.13) Standard Hollow Metal Doors and Frames
(08 12 13.53) Custom Hollow Metal Frames
(08 14 13) Carved Wood Doors
(08 14 16) Flush Wood Doors
(08 14 23) Clad Wood Doors
(08 14 23.13) Metal-Faced Wood Doors
(08 14 23.16) Plastic-Laminate-Faced Wood Doors
(08 14 29) Prefinished Wood Doors
(08 14 33) Stile and Rail Wood Doors
(08 34 00) Special Function Doors
(08 34 13) Cold Storage Doors
(08 34 16) Hangar Doors
(08 34 19) Industrial Doors
(08 34 33) Lightproof Doors
(08 34 46) Radio-Frequency-Interference Shielding Doors
(08 34 49) Radiation Shielding Doors and Frames
  (08 34 73) Sound Control Door Assemblies
(08 51 69) Metal Storm Windows
(08 52 69) Wood Storm Windows
(08 53 69) Vinyl Storm Windows
(08 54 69) Fiberglass Storm Windows
(08 56 00) Special Function Windows
(08 56 19) Pass Windows
(08 56 46) Radio-Frequency-Interference Shielding Windows
(08 56 49) Radiation Shielding Windows
(08 56 56) Security Window Screens
(08 56 63) Detention Windows
(08 56 66) Detention Window Screens
(08 56 73) Sound Control Windows
(08 88 49) Radiation-Resistant Glazing
(09 20 00) Plaster and Gypsum Board
(09 21 16) Gypsum Board Assemblies
(09 21 16.23) Gypsum Board Shaft Wall Assemblies
(09 21 16.33) Gypsum Board Area Separation Wall Assemblies
(09 22 13) Metal Furring
(09 22 36) Lath
(09 22 36.13) Gypsum Lath
(09 22 36.23) Metal Lath
(09 22 39) Veneer Plaster Base
(12 56 33) Classroom Furniture
(12 56 43) Dormitory Furniture
(12 56 51) Library Furniture
(12 56 51.13) Book Shelves
(12 56 51.19) Index Card File Cabinets
(12 56 53) Laboratory Furniture
(12 56 70) Healthcare Furniture
(13 01 49) Operation and Maintenance of Radiation Protection
(13 49 00) Radiation Protection
(13 49 13) Integrated X-Ray Shielding Assemblies
(13 49 16) Modular X-Ray Shielding Rooms
(13 49 19) Lead-Lined Materials
(13 49 23) Integrated RFI/EMI Shielding Assemblies
(13 49 26) Modular RFI/EMI Shielding Rooms
(41 53 13) Storage Cabinets

For other relevant searches, you might want to try: Lead, Radiation Protection, Casting, Nuclear, Custom Protection, Custom Lead, Lead Bricks, Lead Sheet, Lead Glass, Leaded Glass, Lead Doors, Lead Windows, Nuclear Safety, Nuclear Protection, X-Ray, Xray, Safety, Shield, Shielding, Lead-Lined, Cabinets.