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About Armortex


5926 Corridor Pkwy.
City, state:
Schertz, TX
Postal code:
78154 show map
United States

Armortex® has been manufacturing Bullet, Blast and Forced Entry Resistant products for over 30 years. Our product line includes Armortex® bullet and blast protection fiberglass composite panels, steel and aluminum transaction windows, transaction equipment (drawers, hoppers, dip trays), speakers and gun ports. Additional products include wood, steel and aluminum doors, aluminum storefront systems and FEMA 361 certified doors for protection from tornadoes and wind driven debris.

Armortex® products are widely used in courtrooms, government and corporate offices, banks, convenience stores, gas stations, check cashing facilities, cashier booths, military bases and any place where ballistic and blast resistant security is required.

Our Bullet and Blast Resistant products are available worldwide, direct from Armortex®.

Armortex® is ISO 9001 Certified.

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Tradenames: Armortex and Safeguard Security Services.

Company Information from Armortex

Company Information from Armortex
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Bullet - Blast - Forced Entry Protection Products
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Products from Armortex

Products from Armortex
RFI Preview Product Description Brochures 3-Part CSI specifications CAD details URL
Bullet resistant doors  More information Armortex® Bullet Resistant doors provide the very highest protection while accommodating all door and glazing styles and sizes. Prehung with a heavy-duty continuous hinge, Armortex® doors are available in any configuration. Hollow metal doors are... Brochures 3-Part CSI specifications CAD details URL
Bullet resistant windows and glazing  More information All Armortex® Bullet Resistant windows are manufactured to the very highest standards, and are available in UL® protection levels 1-10. Choose a window type from the list below to view our product lines. Brochures 3-Part CSI specifications CAD details URL
Bullet resistant composite panels Armortex® manufactures UL Listed Armortex® Bullet and Blast Protection Composite Panels. This material is manufactured using a woven roving ballistic grade cloth we manufacture in-house. The cloth is mechanically injected with resin and... Brochures 3-Part CSI specifications CAD details URL
Bullet resistant transaction equipment  More information Armortex® Bullet Resistant Transaction Drawers
Designed to protect the operator whether the drawer is open or closed, our transaction drawers come in a variety of sizes. Armortex® Metal & Transparent Package Receivers
Brochures 3-Part CSI specifications CAD details URL
Bullet resistant products accessories Armortex® speakers
ARMORTEX® Speaker Devices are available in detention or Bullet Resistant designs in all protection levels, and are designed to accommodate any glazing thickness with a mounting hole 4" to 6" in diameter....
Brochures 3-Part CSI specifications CAD details URL
Blast protection Frag-Stop composite panels The Logical Upgrade from UL3
FS-3, one of Armortex's Frag-Stop Composites, is specially designed, manufactured and certified to give a measure protection against blast shrapnel and simultaneous multiple handgun attacks. Certified by the...
Brochures 3-Part CSI specifications   URL
Bullet/blast resistant storefront systems Storefront Systems
Armortex® Bullet Resistant Aluminum Storefront Systems are available in all UL® protection levels 1 through 8.
Brochures 3-Part CSI specifications CAD details URL

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News archive:
A Store Owner’s Selection Guide to Security Windows (Jun 03, 2024)
What Makes Glass Clad Polycarbonate the Gold Standard for Bulletproofing? (Apr 03, 2024)
Benefits of Using Bulletproof Glass for Convenience Stores (Feb 06, 2024)
Stainless Steel Versus Aluminum Security Windows (Nov 25, 2023)
Good, Bad, and Ugly: A Guide to Metal Security Windows (Sep 27, 2023)
How to Integrate New School Security Systems (Jul 24, 2023)
How to Build a Bulletproof Bank Security System (May 19, 2023)
How to Choose the Right Security Windows for Your Business (Mar 15, 2023)
Architectural Protection Products for Data Centers (Jan 03, 2023)
Why Choose a Wooden Security Door? (Oct 15, 2022)
What Protection Products are Available for Dispensaries? (Jul 29, 2022)
Can Bulletproof Glass Stop a Bullet? (May 06, 2022)
Armortex Windows and Glass for Ballistic Security (Feb 16, 2022)
Timing Is Everything - When Is the Right Time to Use Bullet-Resistant Glass? (Nov 19, 2021)
The Best Commercial Security Doors (Aug 28, 2021)
Bullet-Resistant Doors for Government Buildings (Jun 05, 2021)
Using Bullet-Resistant Panels in Schools (Mar 04, 2021)
Blast Resistant Products for Greater Security (Nov 24, 2020)
Timing Is Everything - When Is the Right Time to Use Bullet-Resistant Glass? (Sep 03, 2020)
Armortex Security Speakers (Jun 05, 2020)

(06120) Structural Panel
(07430) Composite Panel
(08100) Metal Doors and Frame
(08200) Wood and Plastic Door
(08210) Wood Door
(08220) Plastic Door
(08250) Preassembled Wood and Plastic Door and Frame Unit
(08270) Louvers, Glass & Glazing
(08280) Wood and Plastic Storm and Screen Door
(08300) Specialty Door
(08315) Sliding Doors & Grilles
(08320) Detention Doors and Frame
(08340) Special Function Door
(08390) Pressure-Resistant Door
(08394) Blast-Resistant Doors
(08400) Entrances and Storefront
(08410) Metal-Framed Storefront
(08500) Window
(08510) Steel Window
(08580) Special Function Window
(08583) Sound Control Windows
(08800) Glazing
(08810) Glass
(08840) Plastic Glazing
(11020) Security and Vault Equipment
(11030) Teller and Service Equipment
(11036) Automatic Banking Systems
(11038) Teller Equipment Systems
(11100) Mercentile Equipment
(11190) Detention Equipment
(11400) Food Service Equipment
(11480) Athletic, Recreational and Therapeutic Equipment
(12382) Bank Fixtures & Casework
(13045) Special Rooms
(06 12 00) Structural Panels
(06 72 00) Composite Structural Assemblies
(07 41 43) Composite Roof Panels
(07 42 43) Composite Wall Panels
(08 11 69.13) Steel Storm Doors and Frames
(08 13 13) Hollow Metal Doors
(08 13 16) Aluminum Doors
(08 14 00) Wood Doors
(08 14 23) Clad Wood Doors
(08 14 69) Wood Storm Doors
(08 15 00) Plastic Doors
(08 15 13) Laminated Plastic Doors
(08 15 16) Solid Plastic Doors
(08 16 00) Composite Doors
(08 17 00) Integrated Door Opening Assemblies
(08 17 23) Integrated Wood Door Opening Assemblies
(08 17 33) Integrated Plastic Door Opening Assemblies
(08 30 00) Specialty Doors and Frames
(08 34 00) Special Function Doors
(08 34 53) Security Doors and Frames
(08 34 59) Vault Doors and Day Gates
(08 34 63) Detention Doors and Frames
(08 34 63.13) Steel Detention Doors and Frames
(08 34 63.16) Steel Plate Detention Doors and Frames
(08 34 63.33) Detention Door Frame Protection
(08 39 00) Pressure-Resistant Doors
  (08 39 13) Airtight Doors
(08 39 19) Watertight Doors
(08 39 53) Blast-Resistant Doors
(08 41 00) Entrances and Storefronts
(08 41 13) Aluminum-Framed Entrances and Storefronts
(08 43 00) Storefronts
(08 43 13) Aluminum-Framed Storefronts
(08 51 23) Steel Windows
(08 51 69) Metal Storm Windows
(08 52 69) Wood Storm Windows
(08 53 69) Vinyl Storm Windows
(08 54 69) Fiberglass Storm Windows
(08 55 00) Pressure-Resistant Windows
(08 56 00) Special Function Windows
(08 56 19) Pass Windows
(08 56 46) Radio-Frequency-Interference Shielding Windows
(08 56 49) Radiation Shielding Windows
(08 56 53) Security Windows
(08 56 56) Security Window Screens
(08 56 59) Service and Teller Window Units
(08 56 63) Detention Windows
(08 56 66) Detention Window Screens
(08 56 73) Sound Control Windows
(08 80 00) Glazing
(08 81 00) Glass Glazing
(08 81 13) Decorative Glass Glazing
(08 83 13) Mirrored Glass Glazing
(08 84 00) Plastic Glazing
(08 84 13) Decorative Plastic Glazing
(08 88 53) Security Glazing
(08 88 56) Ballistics-Resistant Glazing
(10 12 00) Display Cases
(11 06 15.13) Teller and Service Equipment Schedule
(11 16 00) Vault Equipment
(11 16 13) Safe Deposit Boxes
(11 16 16) Safes
(11 17 00) Teller and Service Equipment
(11 17 13) Teller Equipment Systems
(11 17 16) Automatic Banking Systems
(11 17 23) Money Handling Equipment
(11 17 33) Money Cart Pass-Through
(11 17 36) Package Transfer Units
(11 18 00) Security Equipment
(11 18 13) Deal Drawers
(11 18 16) Gun Ports
(11 19 00) Detention Equipment
(11 21 00) Mercantile and Service Equipment
(11 21 43) Weighing and Wrapping Equipment
(11 21 53) Barber and Beauty Shop Equipment
(11 65 00) Athletic and Recreational Equipment
(11 66 23) Gymnasium Equipment
(11 66 23.13) Basketball Equipment
(11 66 43) Interior Scoreboards
(11 67 13) Bowling Alley Equipment
(11 67 23) Shooting Range Equipment
(11 68 23) Exterior Court Athletic Equipment
(11 68 23.13) Exterior Basketball Equipment
(11 68 43) Exterior Scoreboards
(11 79 00) Therapy Equipment
(13 40 00) Integrated Construction
(34 73 19) Jet Blast Barriers

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