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About Florence Corporation

Florence Corporation

5935 Corporate Drive
City, state:
Manhattan, KS
Postal code:
66503 show map
United States
(800) 275-1747
(800) 275-1747
(800) 275-5081

Florence Corporation is the nation's leading manufacturer of superior quality mailboxes and accessories for centralized distribution and collection of mail and packages. We are proud to trace our heritage of founding and acquired companies to the late 1800s. For more than a century, the Florence line of postal specialties has maintained industry leadership by offering consistently superior product quality and rapid, reliable customer service. We provide technical support and customer service through both our centralized customer service operation and network of sales and authorized dealers.

Our commitment to craftsmanship continues to be shown through not only being the first manufacturer in our industry to be ISO 9001:2000 certified, but that we continually surpass all required audits as well. We strive to be environmentally friendly with strong recycling programs and business practices and are pleased to be a committed community partner in our headquarters location of Manhattan, Kansas.

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Tradenames: Florence Corporation, American Device, Auth-Florence.

Company Information from Florence Corporation

Company Information from Florence Corporation
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Florence Corporation Full-Line Product Catalog
Centralized Mail and Package Solutions -- The current Florence product catalog in the Adobe Acrobat PDF file format.
PDF 10.8 MB Open
Mailbox Configurator
Mailbox Configurator – Design a custom mailbox layout with our industry unique online Revit mailbox configurator. This drag-and-drop tool guides the process and provides BIM and/or CAD drawings.
PHP   Open

Products from Florence Corporation

Products from Florence Corporation
RFI Preview Product Description Brochures 3-Part CSI specifications CAD details URL
STD-4C Mailbox Suites Florence versatile™ 4C mailbox suites provide a simple, easy-to-use 'pre-configured' suite of mailboxes which all meet or exceed every security requirement of the USPS STD-4C regulation for wall-mounted mail receptacles. Offering 38 different... Brochures 3-Part CSI specifications CAD details URL
Cluster Box Units The Florence vital™ 1570 series cluster box unit design has been adopted by the USPS as the design standard for all CBUs manufactured in the United States. The USPS began to officially license this new standard in 2007 – now manufacturers... Brochures 3-Part CSI specifications CAD details URL
Outdoor Parcel Lockers Florence Corporation has partnered with the USPS to provide a superior product which meets your ever increasing security and parcel delivery needs. The redesigned valiant™ 1590 series meets all the "F" CBU security standards set by the USPS and... Brochures 3-Part CSI specifications CAD details URL
STD-4B+ and Private Horizontal Changing postal standards can raise a lot of questions for anyone who deals with apartment mailboxes. The dilemma for property managers is whether to install Security Upgrade Kits in existing mailbox units to comply with STD-4B+, to get new mailbox... Brochures 3-Part CSI specifications CAD details URL
Vertical Replacement Mailboxes Florence 1250 vertical series mailboxes are designed for use in small, multifamily buildings. They are constructed of durable, heavy-gauge extruded aluminum. Doors and trim are striated to resist scratching. Mailboxes feature a fully-recessed mount,... Brochures 3-Part CSI specifications CAD details URL
Single-family residential mailboxes Your mailbox makes a strong and lasting impression because it’s the first thing visitors notice as they approach your residence. Whether you want to enhance your home’s appearance with a new decorative mailbox, need a locking mailbox to secure... Brochures 3-Part CSI specifications CAD details URL

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News archive:
STD-4C Mailboxes and Parcel Lockers from Florence Corporation (May 09, 2024)
Free-Standing Mailboxes from Florence Corporation (Mar 11, 2024)
STD-4C Recessed Mount Mailboxes in Silver Speck Finish (Jan 10, 2024)
Vertical Replacement Mailboxes from Florence Corporation (Nov 01, 2023)
Wall Mounted Mail Boxes from Florence Corporation (Aug 30, 2023)
Installation of Centralized Mail Delivery Equipment (Jun 30, 2023)
Florence Vital 1570 Series Cluster Box Unit (Apr 26, 2023)
Free-Standing Mailboxes from Florence Corporation (Feb 21, 2023)
Case Study: Flatbush Gardens Mailbox Replacement Project (Dec 09, 2022)
STD-4C Recessed Mount Mailboxes in Silver Speck Finish (Sep 22, 2022)
Florence Corporation - Vertical Replacement Mailboxes (Jul 07, 2022)
Installation of Centralized Mail Delivery Equipment (Apr 14, 2022)
Florence Vital 1570 Series Cluster Box Unit (Jan 20, 2022)
Case Study: Kingstowne Mailbox Replacement Project Alexandria, VA (Oct 22, 2021)
Case Study: Flatbush Gardens Mailbox Replacement Project (Aug 02, 2021)
Single-Family Residential Mailboxes from Florence Corporation (May 07, 2021)
Florence Corporation - Vertical Replacement Mailboxes (Feb 02, 2021)
Installation of Centralized Mail Delivery Equipment (Oct 30, 2020)
Florence Vital 1570 Series Cluster Box Unit (Aug 05, 2020)
Case Study: Kingstowne Mailbox Replacement Project Alexandria, VA (May 21, 2020)

(02870) Site Furnishing
(10400) Identification Device
(10410) Directories
(10500) Locker
(10550) Postal Specialties
(10 13 00) Directories
(10 13 13) Electronic Directories
(10 51 00) Lockers
(10 51 13) Metal Lockers
(10 51 16) Wood Lockers
(10 51 26) Plastic Lockers
(10 51 26.13) Recycled Plastic Lockers
  (10 55 00) Postal Specialties
(10 55 13) Central Mail Delivery Boxes
(10 55 13.13) Cluster Box Units
(10 55 16) Mail Collection Boxes
(10 55 19) Receiving Boxes
(10 55 23) Mail Boxes
(10 55 91) Mail Chutes
(12 93 13) Bicycle Racks
(12 93 23) Trash and Litter Receptors
(12 93 33) Manufactured Planters
(12 93 43) Site Seating and Tables
(26 27 73) Door Chimes

For other relevant searches, you might want to try: Cutler, Gibraltar, mailbox, mailboxes, mail box, mail boxes, residential, commercial, apartment, usps, cbu, cluster box unit, 4C, STD-4C, horizontal, vertical, replacement, wall, pedestal, locking, centralized delivery, architectural, Auth Florence.