About Ray-Bar Engineering Corporation

Ray-Bar Engineering Corporation
697 W. Foothill Blvd
City, state:
Azusa, CA
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PO Box:
Postal code PO Box:
United States
800-444-XRAY (9729)
626-969-1818 Fax:
800-333-XRAY (9729)
Engineers, Designers, Fabricators and Manufacturers of High Performance Life and Safety Products and Materials
Ray-Bar Engineering Corporation is a foremost leader in the research, development, engineering, design, testing and fabrication/manufacture of high performance life and safety products and materials, supplying the United States and global marketplace for over 75 years. Ray-Bar’s reputation of prompt deliveries is achieved by maintaining perhaps the largest inventory of radiation shielding and life and safety protective materials in the U.S. Our extensive knowledge, experience and understanding of custom requirements is constantly kept in tune by our ongoing research, development, refinement, design, testing, building code compliance reviews, and installation of our products and materials on literally thousands of projects worldwide.
"When protection is required, there is no substitute for skill and experience"
Ray-Bar manufactures a complete line of Life and Safety products such as Fire Rated, Ballistic Resistant, and X-Ray Radiation Protective products, systems, assemblies and materials including, but not limited to:
- Lead Backed UL Fire Rated Gypsum Wallboard
- Fire Rated Glass
- Fire Rated Window frames
- Fire Rated Vision frames
- Bullet Resistant Glass and Clear Polycarbonate
- Bullet Resistant Ballistic Panels
- Lead Lined Wood and Metal Shielded Doors
- Lead Lining of Metal Frames
- Bullet Resistant Doors
- Bullet Resistant Window Frames
- Lead Lined Telescopic Steel View Window Frames
- X-Ray Lead Glass
- Stationary X-Ray Control Barriers
- Mobile X-Ray Control Barriers
- Lead Lined Vision Frames
- Neutron Shielded Products
"Setting the Standard in Life and Safety products for Over 75 Years"
Performance Capabilities
Ray-Bar's protective materials and products set the industry standards for code compliance and performance. Ray-Bar's sheet material is the purest form commercially available meeting Fed. Spec QQ-L201 F, Grade C and ASTM B749-03, type L51121. Our standard shielding products are promptly available and meet all current federal specifications, codes and standards including all applicable NCRP reports. All Ray-Bar UL Labeled Fire Rated Lead Backed Gypsum Boards (RB-LBG), shielding components and related Fire Rated walls systems or partitions assemblies are UL and ULC tested in accordance with ANSI / UL 263, ASTM E119 and NFPA 251 "Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials" and CAN / ULC-S101 "Standard Methods of Fire Endurance Tests of Building Construction and Materials" on gypsum board panels meeting ASTM C1396 and in compliance with all currently applicable UBC and IBC building code requirements.
All Ray-Bar Ballistic and Bullet Resistant products and materials are tested in accordance with UL 752 standards in either UL Level 3 for resisting Handgun threats up to .44 Mag, or for UL level 8 resisting Rifle threats up to 7.62 x 51 / .308 Win.
Ray-Bar X-Ray Protective Lead Glass meets Federal Specification DD-G-451 and ASTM C1036 requirements and all applicable current NCRP and ICRP lead glass criteria and standards. Ray-Bar X-Ray Safety Glass is labeled in accordance with ANSI Z97.1 and CPSC 16 CFR 1201 Cat II requirements for impact resistance.
Ray-Bar Fire Rated Glass meets various NFPA and ASTM requirements and all applicable current UBC, IBC or UL fire safety glass criteria and standards.
Ray-Bar Fire Rated Filmed or Laminated Impact Resistant Glass products are labeled in accordance with IBC 2406 "Safety Glazing" to ANSI Z97.1 and CPSC 16 CFR 1201 Cat II requirements for impact resistance.
Ray-Bar Lead Lined Solid Core Wood Doors are manufactured to National Wood Working Standards. Ray-Bar Lead lined hollow metal doors are manufactured to industry standards with materials meeting applicable ASTM and ANSI standards.
Fire rated doors are also available and meet current applicable UL, NFPA, UBC and IBC requirements. Ray-Bar's lead lined solid core wood doors, hollow metal shielded doors and lead-lined frames are manufactured to applicable NCRP and ICRP lead-lined door/frame criteria and standards in physical quality descriptions.
All Life and Safety performance requirements should always be determined by the customer’s or end users own independent risk analysis and professional consultant.
For Radiation Shielding applications the end user must utilize a qualified health radiation physicist, radiation expert or radiation safety professional as currently defined by NCRP, ICRP or CRPA. See Diagnostic Radiation Shielding Considerations for additional information.
Ray-Bar offers technical support in all phases of the design/build process, which allows the architect, owner, and contractor to confidently expect a faster construction and superior product from implementation of design to manufacturing and final installation.
Ray-Bar is a pioneer and innovator in new life and safety protective technologies, product research and development, cutting edge protective systems, safety, code compliance and material integration designs. Ray-Bar offers professional assistance in designing and meeting the specific project requirements in the construction specialty specification sections for materials, products, approved assemblies, meeting all applicable codes, standards, performance and compliance with independent laboratory testing and certifications.
"Experienced and knowledgeable professionals providing outstanding performance in radiation shielding."
LEED Compliance
Ray-Bar is a proud member of the U.S. Green Building Council and the Canada Green Building Council. We happily assist with documenting and submitting Ray-Bar's products and materials for your school, government facility, hospital or medical center's LEED materials and resources (MR) credits to apply for achieving LEED certification for the construction project.
"Responsibly providing sustainable and recyclable green materials and product options."
Mission Statement
To provide knowledgeable and professional services while setting the highest ethical standards of integrity in advanced life and safety designs, systems, assemblies, products and materials. We comply with all applicable national and international construction and material life and safety codes for the confident protection of personnel in law enforcement, government, financial, military, educational or medical healthcare field. Every day we fulfill our commitment to safety and our corporate motto:
"When protection is required, there is no substitute for skill and experience."
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News archive:
Ray-Bar Engineering - Radiation Shielding Products (Jun 25, 2022)
Ray-Bar Engineering - Fire-Rated Glass Products (Apr 04, 2022)
Shielded Wall Systems from Ray-Bar Engineering Corporation (Jan 12, 2022)
Ray-Bar Engineering Neutron Shielding Products (Oct 12, 2021)
Ray-Bar Engineering Fire Rated Glass Products (Jul 22, 2021)
Ray-Bar Engineering - Radiation Shielding Products (Apr 21, 2021)
Ray-Bar Engineering Corporation Anti-Microbial Products (Jan 20, 2021)
Shielded Wall Systems from Ray-Bar Engineering Corporation (Oct 16, 2020)
Ray-Bar Engineering - Fire-Rated Glass Products (Jul 22, 2020)
Featured Product: Ray-Bar Bullet Resistant Panels (Handgun) (Jul 21, 2020)
Ray-Bar Engineering Neutron Shielding Products (Jun 03, 2020)
Ray-Bar Engineering - Fire-Rated Glass Products (Feb 28, 2020)
X-Ray Lead Barriers from Ray-Bar Engineering Corporation (Nov 07, 2019)
X-Ray Lead Control Windows from Ray-Bar Engineering Corporation (Aug 01, 2019)
Shielded Wall Systems from Ray-Bar Engineering Corporation (May 15, 2019)
Lead Free Shielding from Ray-Bar Engineering Corporation (Jan 16, 2019)
Bullet Resistant Glass (Oct 02, 2018)
Fire Rated Lead Backed Drywall (Sep 04, 2018)
Lead Lined Vision Lite Frames (Jun 28, 2018)
Lead Lined Telescopic View Windows (Apr 13, 2018)
Protective Lead Glass for Radiation Shielding (Jan 23, 2018)
X-Ray Lead Barriers (Oct 11, 2017)
Bullet Resistant Glass (Jul 01, 2017)
Fire Rated Lead Backed Drywall (Mar 29, 2017)
Protective Wall Systems (Dec 21, 2016)
Lead Lined Telescopic View Windows (Nov 13, 2016)
Protective Lead Glass for Radiation Shielding (Sep 12, 2016)
X-Ray Lead Barriers (Aug 03, 2016)
Ultra-Clear X-Ray Glass From Ray-Bar (Jun 16, 2016)
Fire Rated Lead Backed Drywall (Feb 06, 2016)
Neutron Shielding Products from Ray-Bar Engineering Corporation (Jul 08, 2015)
Lead Sheet, Plate, Brick Shielding from Ray-Bar Engineering (May 19, 2015)
Ultra-Clear Lead Free X-Ray Plate Glass from Ray-Bar Engineering Corporation (Mar 31, 2015)
X-Ray Lead Barriers from Ray-Bar Engineering Corporation (Mar 08, 2015)
Lead Backed Drywall (May 03, 2014)
X-Ray Lead Glass from Ray-Bar Engineering Corp. (Aug 28, 2013)
Shielded Doors From Ray-Bar Engineering Corporation (Oct 01, 2012)
Radiation Protection Materials (Jun 27, 2011)
Radiation Protection: Shielded Doors (May 31, 2010)
Radiation Protection Materials (Mar 11, 2010)
Protective Wall Systems (Dec 02, 2009)
Radiation Protection: Shielded Doors (Feb 01, 2009)
Protective Wall Systems (Sep 23, 2008)
(13090) Radiation Protection (13 49 00) Radiation Protection |
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