About Tripod Turnstiles
Tripod Turnstiles
For applications where crowd control is the security goal, tripod turnstiles have proven to be the ideal solution, as they effectively direct users through specific, guarded entry points. Entertainment venues, transit stations, and public buildings, among many types of applications, choose tripod turnstiles for their ability to withstand a large volume of users in abusive conditions.
Transpalock 900
An elegant turnstile with three glass barriers mounted on a center column within a glass and stainless steel enclosure.
Trilock 75
A robust tripod turnstile with many available finish and configuration options.
Trilock 60
The attractively finished, medium capacity tripod turnstile.
Brochures | 3-Part CSI specifications | CAD details
News archive:
Boon Edam Revamps Tripod Turnstiles, Emphasizing Smooth and Quiet Operation (Apr 28, 2018)
Boon Edam Inc. Turnstile Webshop (Aug 10, 2009)
02820 - Fences and Gate
08400 - Entrances and Storefront
08410 - Metal-Framed Storefront
08450 - All-Glass Entrances and Storefront
08460 - Automatic Entrance Door
08470 - Revolving Entrance Door
10450 - Pedestrian Control Device
13700 - Security Access and Surveillance
08 41 00 - Entrances and Storefronts
08 41 13 - Aluminum-Framed Entrances and Storefronts
08 41 26 - All-Glass Entrances and Storefronts
08 42 29 - Automatic Entrances
08 42 33 - Revolving Door Entrances
08 42 33.13 - Security Revolving Door Entrances
11 14 00 - Pedestrian Control Equipment
11 14 13 - Pedestrian Gates
11 14 43 - Pedestrian Detection Equipment
11 14 53 - Pedestrian Security Equipment
28 10 00 - Electronic Access Control and Intrusion Detection
28 13 00 - Access Control
28 13 53 - Security Access Detection
28 16 00 - Intrusion Detection
32 31 00 - Fences and Gates
32 31 19 - Decorative Metal Fences and Gates