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Custom Elevator Cabs and Doors (14 27 00)


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Custom Elevator Cabs and Doors (14 27 00)

Custom Elevator Cabs and Doors (14 27 00)

Featured Companies for Custom Elevator Cabs and Doors

Featured Companies for Custom Elevator Cabs and Doors
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StonePly Co.StonePly Co. StonePly\u00AE is a fabricated stone panel wall system utilizing a composite panel made by laminating a natural stone layer to an aluminum honeycomb substrate with aviation epoxies. StonePly Honeycomb\u00AE is fabricated and then attached to the su... Greenville, TX Brochures 3-Part CSI specifications CAD details URL
Stromberg Architectural Products, Inc.Stromberg Architectural Products, Inc. Stromberg Architectural Products Stromberg Architectural Products creates custom products in Cast Stone, GFRP, GFRC and GFRG. Website includes downloadable CAD files, project and product picture galleries and more. (P... Greenville, TX Brochures 3-Part CSI specifications CAD details URL

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Other Other Companies for Custom Elevator Cabs and Doors

Other Companies for Custom Elevator Cabs and Doors
RFI Company Description City, state Brochures 3-Part CSI specifications CAD details URL
BHI Elevator Cabs, Inc. BHI is an architectural metal company that specializes in the manufacturing of new elevator cabs as well as the remodeling of existing cabs. Island Park, NY       URL
ELEVATOR INTERIOR DESIGN Elevator interior design is a custom elevator cab and entrance designer and manufacturer. Using state of the art design software, our experts work hand in hand with building owners, architects, designers and elevator contractors to turn high creativ... CHELSEA, MA       URL
Flor-Lift of New Jersey Florlift has been designing, manufacturing, installing and servicing elevators and lifting equipment for over 45 years. From the initial estimating and engineering process to the quality construction at our East Orange, New Jersey factory, we strive... East Orange, NJ       URL
Forms+Surfaces Forms+Surfaces is a leading designer and manufacturer of architectural products used in public spaces around the world. From innovative surfaces, walls and elevator interiors, to site furnishings, lighting, and doors, our interrelated product lines ... Pittsburgh, PA       URL
Fuller-Phoenix Architectural Products For three decades Fuller-Phoenix has helped architects and designers solve complex interior design situations...It is a role we do not take lightly...Our hero in this effort is Glasspan\u2122,..a unique system featuring back-painted glass in a suppo... Houston, TX       URL
Garavanta (Canada) Ltd. Garaventa - Manufacturer of ropeways like funitels, gondolas, chairlifts, tramways, material tramways, funiculars, skilifts, cable cranes. Blaine, WA       URL
Gillespie Corp. Gillespie can design and manufacture elevators, lifts, moving objects and cranes for practically any situation. Gillespie Corporation designs and manufactures standard and unconventional elevators, lifts and cranes\u2014but our specialty is the crea... Ware, MA       URL
Inclinator Co. of America Inc. Now well into its seventh decade, the Inclinator Corporation of America is the pioneer of residential elevators and stairlifts. The company was founded by C.C. Crispen, inventor of the original stair lift and acknowledged nationally for his contribu... Harrisburg, PA       URL
Mitsubishi Elevator & Escalator Co. Defined by the phrase, Quality in Motion ™ , Mitsubishi Electric sets the world's highest standards in elevator and escalator innovation, efficiency, safety and comfort. Widely recognized as the leader in quality, Mitsubishi Electric has been servin... Cypress, CA       URL
Mowrey Elevator We manufacture, install, and service the finest elevators available today! ... freight, hydraulic and traction elevators, dumb waiters, wheelchair lifts, stair lifts and residential elevators. Marianna, FL       URL
Quality Lift, Inc. Quality Lift provides residential elevator sales & service to Southwest Florida and beyond. We are your source for home elevators, stairlifts, and dumbwaiters. We specialize in custom design work to meet your specific needs. Port Charlotte, FL       URL
Rigidized Metals Corp. Rigid-Tex® deep textured metals are produced by a patented process that combines light weight, toughness and easy maintenance...for long lasting beauty and durability in any construction or equipment manufacturing use. Rigid-Tex® deep textured metal... Buffalo, NY       URL
Schumacher Elevator Co. Schumacher Elevator Company, located in Denver, Iowa Denver, IA       URL
SDT Marketing We promote and market manufacturers of decorated sheet metal. Our service minded staff is committed to assist you in specifying and designing any type of projects with these materials: Design Consulting, Samples, Budget Quotes, and Fabrication. Miami, FL       URL
Smoke Guard, Inc. Flexible Fire and Smoke Protection Smoke Guard provides innovative and aesthetically appealing fire and smoke protection systems to fit any purpose and any opening in your building. Our complete range of curtain systems is flexible—both physically ... Boise, ID       URL
Soheil Mosun, Ltd. Soheil Mosun Limited is a complete solution and partner for your design build project. Rexdale, ON (CA)       URL

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For other relevant searches, you might want to try: elevator cabs; elevators that operate by hydraulic action; elevator entrances and elevator equipment and controls; elevator cars and elevator car.

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