About Fuller-Phoenix Architectural Products

Fuller-Phoenix Architectural Products
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Mackie Braden
For three decades Fuller-Phoenix has helped architects and designers solve complex interior design situations...It is a role we do not take lightly...Our hero in this effort is Glasspan,..a unique system featuring back-painted glass in a supporting structure so stable,..so precise and so self-contained it can be installed with a minimum of skilled labor...Glasspan is available in an unmatched selection of colors,..metallic and pearl finishes, textures and stainless steel trims...Quite frankly,..there's nothing like it on the market today.
Tradenames: Glasspan¿, Colorspan¿.
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For other relevant searches, you might want to try: Glasspan, Fuller-Phoenix, Glass panel systems, Glass panels, Back painted glass, Laminated glass, Safety glass, Interior glass, Ceiling coverings, Wall coverings.