About Western Forms

Western Forms
6200 Equitable Road
City, state:
Kansas City, MO
Postal code:
United States
1-800-821-3870 (US)
816-241-0477 (Int'l.) URL:
Chris Ward
Founded in 1955, Western Forms is the global leader in the design and manufacture of aluminum forms that offer complete systems and services producing one concrete house shell per day. Today, Western Forms systems are used by contractors and builders in 35 countries to produce over 400,000 Cast-In-Place (CIP) structures annually. Structure types include residential basements/foundations, affordable concrete homes, slabs, stem walls, commercial and industrial building structures of all types. Precast and a variety of other CIP applications are rapidly increasing in number. U.S. and international contractors agree. Structures created with Western Forms systems provide the highest quality finish and are delivered at the lowest cost.
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