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Electrical & Communication Structure (02580)


[Estructuras para electricidad y sistemas de comunicaciĆ³n]

Other Companies for Electrical & Communication Structure (02580)

Other Companies for Electrical & Communication Structure (02580)
RFI Company Description City, state Brochures 3-Part CSI specifications CAD details URL
Accord Industries A leading Manufacturer for over 35 years of Concrete Poles, Traffic Products and PVC Pipe. Based in Winter Park, FL. Winter Park, FL       URL
Ace Pole Co. Ace Pole Company, Inc. One product: distribution poles. One preservative CCA. We believe that we give more attention to our plant, our product, and your order than any other pole supplier. Waycross, GA       URL
Alamco Wood Products, Inc. Alamco Wood Products Inc. is a manufacturer of environmentally friendly structural glued laminated timber beams and arches for many uses. Including but not limited to churches, park shelters, trusses, bridges, and utility poles. Albert Lea, MN       URL
Alhambra Foundry Co Ltd Alhambra Foundry (USA): Since 1923, gray iron foundry and machine shop producing manholes, drain grates, fabricated steel, more.... Alhambra, CA       URL
Arete Development, Inc. Arete Development provides Cell Phone Tower construction and installation, Antenna Services, Mobile tower installation, Wireless Network Optimization, Wireless site Inspection, Cell Phone Tower site development. Fairfield, NJ       URL
Arnco Corp. As with all Arnco system components, the perpetual commitment is to design, produce and deliver affordable equipment that: lowers installation time, reduces installation costs, improves installation quality and provides our customers/partners with t... Elyria, OH       URL
Baartol Co. Inc. Baartol Co., Inc., found in 1931, is in it's third generation of family operation. From the early years of flagpoles fabricated from diminishing sections of steel pipe to the advent of tapered steel poles in the 1930's to the development of tapered ... Kenton, OH       URL
Bass & Hays Foundry, Inc. Bass and Hays Foundry, Inc. municipal type manholes, frames and grates. Family owned and operated since 1958. Wholesale and retail sales of quality cast and ductile iron castings, products and accessories for municipalities, utilities, or other cons... Grand Prairie, TX       URL
Belco Manufacturing Co. Belco Manufacturing - A custom manufacturer of fiberglass and dual laminate pipe, duct, tanks, dampers, scrubbers, absorbers, stacks, metering manholes, and fittings. Belton, TX       URL
Brisco Wood Preservers Ltd Full length pressure treated CCA Western Red Cedar and Lodgepole Pine Pole. (CA)       URL
Clay & Bailey Manufacturing Co. Clay & Bailey manufactures U.S. made tank accessories and corrosion control anodes for Aboveground (AST), and Underground (UST) tanks. Specializing in AST, tank parts such as, Overfill Prevention Valves, Vents, Fillcaps, Pipe plugs, bushings, spill... Kansas City, MO       URL
Concrete Systems Inc. CSI is the largest manufacturer of precast concrete modular buildings and supplies this product to some of the largest communication companies in the world. These unique buildings have made their most substantial impact in the communications markets... Hudson, NH       URL
Cox Wood Preserving Cox Industries, Inc. has been a Producer of Quality Outdoor Wood Products Since 1954. A complete line of pressure treated wood, outdoor furniture, decks, posts, poles, pilings, lumber, timber.         URL
Cretex Concrete Products Precasters of Concrete Drainage Products. Founded in 1926 as North Dakota Concrete Products, Cretex Concrete Products West, Inc. started as a manufacturer of reinforced concrete pipe and related precast concrete products. Today, Cretex Concrete Prod... Bismarck, ND       URL
Deeter Foundry Inc. Since 1945 Deeter Foundry, Inc. has been producing gray iron castings for all segments of the construction industry. Deeter's construction casting product line includes manhole frames and covers, storm sewer inlet frames, grates and curbs, tr... Lincoln, NE       URL
Dura Line Corp. A-D Technologies is an international manufacturer and distributor of communication and energy infrastructure products and systems. A unified system of A-D Technologies products provides protection and fast, safe installatin of communication and powe... Knoxville, TN       URL
IPEX, Inc. IPEX designs and manufactures one of the world\u0092s most diverse lines of integrated thermoplastic piping systems\u2014pipe, valves, fittings, auxiliary components and tools\u2014all engineered from the ground up to handle the full range of today\... Don Mills, ON (CA)       URL
JH Baxter & Co. J. H. Baxter - Upholding a 100 Year Tradition of Superior Wood Preserving San Mateo, CA       URL
LightMart LightMart has been the best source for commercial and industrial lighting products since 1998. We offer light poles, light brackets, bulbs, and ballasts as well as many other products that fit your specific lighting needs. Palatine, IL       URL
Martco Limited Partnership, LLC Manufacturers of engineered forest products since 1923, producing hardwood lumber, oriented strand board, pine plywood and treated poles Alexandria, LA       URL
Niland Co. Antique street lights and outdoor street lamp products are our specialty. The Niland Company is a designer, manufacturer, and seller of many different styles of streetlighting systems. Browse our online catalog and generate a quote directly from our... El Paso, TX       URL
Oldcastle Precast Oldcastle Precast is the leading manufacturer of precast concrete, polymer concrete and plastic products in the United States. With more than 80 locations nationwide, our products are always close at hand. Littleton, CO       URL
Permapost Products Co. Permapost - Pressure Treating and Fabricated Wood Products - Custom Treating, Fabrication, and Manufacture, Established in 1957 - (800) 828-0222 (503) 648-4156 [email protected] Hillsboro, OR       URL
Pole Tech Co Pole-Tech Company Inc. manufactures flagpoles in aluminum, stainless steel and bronze. Our in-house engineering department gives us the ability to provide custom designed flagpoles throughout the world. We handle the entire production process in hou... East Setauket, NY       URL
Power-Lite Industries inc Established in Montreal (Canada) since 2006, Power-Lite is specialized in designing and manufacturing high performance structural products. Our company offers highly performant street light poles, electrical poles, communication poles and catenary p... Montreal, QC (CA)       URL
Rohn Radian Communication Services Corporation provides complete network and infrastructure services, from structural engineering, tower manufacturing, and installation services, to voice, data, video and wireless network design, optimization, installati... Bessemer, AL       URL
Royal Anchor Systems, Inc. Royal Anchor Systems, Inc. is a subsidiary company of ROYAL, a corporation based in the Twin Cities area of Minnesota. Royal Anchor Systems, Inc. was formed in 1995, with the formulation of International Erosion Control Systems, LLC of which RAS is ... Stacy, MN       URL
Shakespeare Composite Structures Shakespeare Composite Structures Composite Pole Products - Composite Decorative Poles, Fiberglass Round Square and Utility Poles Newberry, SC       URL
Strongwell Strongwell-Pultruded Fiber Reinforced Composites, Fiberglass Grating, Handrail, Ladders, Power Poles, Polymer Concrete Enclosures and Trench Drain Bristol, VA       URL
Synertech Oldcastle Precast concrete manufactures manholes, concrete vaults, pipe, culvert, catch basins, drywell drainage, box culverts and sewer pipe. Candiac, Quebec (CA)       URL
The Oeser Co. We manufacture and treat wood utility poles: sizes 20 through 120 feet. Bellingham, WA       URL
Valmont Industries Valmont currently operates from 43 facilities located in fourteen countries around the world. The Company is headquartered in Omaha, Nebraska, and employs over 5,600 highly trained personnel worldwide, with approximately 1,500 located in Nebraska. T... Valley, NE       URL
Western Forms Founded in 1955, Western Forms is the global leader in the design and manufacture of aluminum forms that offer complete systems and services producing one concrete house shell per day. Today, Western Forms systems are used by contractors and builder... Kansas City, MO       URL

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MasterFormat™ 2012:
(26 56 13) Lighting Poles and Standards
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(33 71 19) Electrical Underground Ducts and Manholes
(33 81 00) Communications Structures
(33 81 16) Antenna Towers
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(33 81 26) Communications Underground Ducts, Manholes, and Handholes