About Triangular Silt Dike Co.

Triangular Silt Dike Co.
608 Greenwood Dr.
City, state:
Oklahoma City, OK
Postal code:
United States
(800) 290-8473
(405) 741-7406 URL:
Designed as an effective and economical alternative to straw bales, silt fence, rock check dams and etc., the Triangular Silt Dike's is a barrier systems that contains erosive soils on roadsides, industrial, and commercial construction sites. The Triangular Silt Dike's innovative patented design provides effective sediment control with fast and easy installation. It is made with lightweight and durable materials and weights just 7-9lbs per seven foot section. The protective aprons on either side of the barrier prevents both erosion and failure of the structure.
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For other relevant searches, you might want to try: silt dike, dike, barrier, erosion prevention, sediment control, erosion control, soil stabilization.