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Smoke Guard M4000 Fire-Rated Curtain

  Subscribe to FREE newsletter  Oct 22, 2020

Smoke Guard’s M4000 fire-rated curtain does not require corner support posts and is the ideal solution for vertically deploying perimeter curtain applications.

This type of fire curtain can shield staircases or escalators from smoke and flames, or provide a reservoir for smoke on the upper floors of an atrium or other open space.

This perimeter curtain can be an effective complement to existing mechanical smoke and fire containment systems or additional fire curtains.

Unit Dimensions

Available in custom widths to protect openings up to 15 feet in drop length and 220 linear feet wide

System Description

The M4000 is a pleated curtain that is stored in headbox which is generally installed above the ceiling. The curtain can also run off a building’s standby power system. When deployed, the curtain can cover openings up to 15 feet drop and 220 feet length.

These dimensions are highly adjustable, and the curtain’s panels can be joined at angles ranging from 30 to 150 degrees, which allows for custom installations. The curtain can integrate with local smoke detection systems.

Physical Properties

Headbox: 19 3/8" deep by 9" high


It requires 120 V AC power, and incorporates a battery for backup power in emergency situations.

Clear Opening Sizes

For openings ≤ 220' wide x ≤ 15' tall

@smokeguard #smokeguard #firesafety #firecurtain #smokecurtain

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