About Rockwood Retaining Walls, Inc.

Rockwood Retaining Walls, Inc.
7200 North Highway 63
City, state:
Rochester, MN
Postal code:
United States
(888) 288-4045
(507) 529-2871 Fax:
(507) 529-2879
Rockwood Retaining Walls' licensed manufacturers offer designers and contractors a comprehensive line of mortarless hardscape products for commercial, residential, governmental and industrial landscapes.
Rockwood's reputation around the globe is built on innovation, quality, value-added services and customer support.
Manufactured by industry-leading concrete producers in over 45 US States, across 17 Countries, and on 5 Continents, Rockwood prides itself with having one of the largest field staffs in the business. We offer on-site training, full design reviews, value engineering, and rapid field support to anyone building with our products.
Discover for yourself why Rockwood is "a better way".
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