About Raven Industries

Raven Industries
1813 E Avenue
City, state:
Sioux Falls, SD
Postal code:
PO Box:
P.O. Box 5107
Postal code PO Box:
United States
(800) 635-3456
(605) 335-0174 Fax:
(605) 331-0333
Cheryl Butler
Manufacturers of high performance plastic film and sheeting for use in construction and geomembrane industries. We produce polyethlylene high quality vapor barriers, gas barriers, and reinforced films. Our Absolute Barrier and VaporBlock Plus lines are all gas barrier products that are effective against radon, methane, and other danergous VOCs. Gas barriers are utilized in Brownfields redevelopment and construction as well as in radon resistant residential building. Raven is a full scale manufacturer with extrusion, lamination/coating, and converting capabilities. All products our produced within the strict guidelines of our ISO 9001:2008 certified quality management system. Get the facts before selecting a gas barrier membrane for your next project, since even regular polyethylene without any barrier resins added can retard some gases, you will want to make certain you are selecting a true barrier membrane to effectively prevent gas transmission. The Raven Absolute Barrier#153; line of gas barriers including VaporBlock® Plus will offer an effective method of controling radon, methane and other VOC's from migrating through the concrete slab and into the structure. www.ravenefd.com
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