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Project Showcase: StoneLite on Vassar Brothers Patient Pavilion

  Subscribe to FREE newsletter  May 20, 2024

StoneLite® Mesabi Black® panels are one of the facade elements on the new CallisonRTKL designed Vassar Brothers Patient Pavilion. Our lightweight natural stone composite panels are featured on the interior and exterior, soffits, columns, site walls and parking garage.

The project features over 60K square feet of StoneLite® with the typical panel module size of 72”x34”. Panels were attached to a GREENgirt system which provided a thermal break between our channel and the building. The panels were installed in an open joint application with ¼” joints.

Our panels sit on top of a water-table course of 2” think honed Coldspring Mesabi Black® granite. The advantage we offered above that height was weight reduction as the majority of the walls were tall and stud framed. There are also lintel spans with beam covers 90’ long that would provide to be extremely difficult to achieve with 2” thick granite.

Architect: CallisonRTKL

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