About Morrison Bros. Co.

Morrison Bros. Co.
24th & Elm Street
City, state:
Dubuque, IA
Postal code:
United States
(800) 553-4840
(563) 583-5701 Fax:
(563) 583-5028
Morrison Bros. Co. started making boilers in Dubuque, Iowa in 1855. By the turn of the century the company was fabricating tanks and equipment for the oil business and the name Morrison was well established in the industry and became known as the "Oil Equipment Headquarters." Today the company remains one of the more recognized and respected producers of petroleum marketing equipment in the United States and abroad.
Morrison Bros. Co. has over 1200 different products forming the most complete line of AST Equipment manufactured in the world. The products cover a broad spectrum of the industry, including tank trim for retail service stations, aboveground storage tank equipment, transportation, environmental monitoring, bulk fuel storage, and certain industrial and military applications for fuel and water systems.
One of our main objectives is to innovate. By bringing remarkable new products to the industry, such as the diffuser line introduced for 2003, we feel we can make a difference. Even if we are not among the largest of manufacturers, we always try to be among the most special.
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