About Maccaferri Gabions, Inc.

Maccaferri Gabions, Inc.
10303 Governor Lane Blvd.
City, state:
Williamsport, MD
Postal code:
United States
(800) 638-7744
(301) 223-6910 Fax:
(301) 223-6134
Mass Gravity Retaining Structures
These days, gabions are box shaped cages of steel wire mesh. The units are filled with rocks and connected to one another to form monolithic mass gravity retaining structures.
The gabions can be easily configured in an infinite number of ways to suit the uniqueness of construction projects!
Soil Reinforcement & Slope Stability
All soils, whether cohesive or granular, have poor resistance to tensile stresses. Therefore, under loads, soils are prone to movement and potentially failure. Instead of replacing these soils with more competent and expensive materials, it may be possible to reinforce the existing soil with products to enhance the load carrying capacity of that soil.
Hydraulic & Erosion Control
& Soil Bioengineering
Erosion of the earth occurs when the shear force applied by water, ice or wind (or other external influence), exceeds the shear resistance of the surface it is in contact with.
Base and Asphalt Reinforcement
As State and Federal budgets are stretched ever further, it is necessary to provide solutions that will last longer, require less maintenance and operate more reliably.
Maccaferri has a range of solutions that offer efficiencies in the construction of paved and unpaved highways.
Rockfall netting
Due to space constraints in this congested world, there are times when development takes place in areas that previously would not have been selected for infrastructure or building.
Maccaferri is able to offer rockfall mitigation solutions to suit many applications.
Military, Flood, Fire
Due to their modular nature, gabions can be used to construct semi-permanent or permanent structures for a wide range of military installations. They are rapid to install, requiring relatively unskilled labor. They are flexible, robust and can be amended on site to suit local conditions.
Gabions are becoming increasingly popular in architectural applications.
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