architecture - engineering - construction
About Lewis Dolin, Inc.

Lewis Dolin, Inc.
Lewis Dolin received his Bachelor of Architecture Degree from the City University of NY, in 1975. He opened his design firm in New York City in 1980.
Over the years he has received awards for his commercial and residential projects as well as his signature product designs. In 1988 he turned his attention to marketing and distributing the work of talented American designers, including Will Stone, Wendy Stevens, David Hess, and Michael Aram. Almost immediately he gained significant exposure for their work at the prestigious Accent on Design show. His entry into the decorative hardware market is marked by the same simplicity of design and clean forms that have gained him a reputation as an original, talented designer. His work has been featured in the New York Times, Interior Design, Pronto, Restaurant and Hotel Design, Restaurant Hospitality, Parade, Restaurants and Institutions, Home Furnishings Daily, and The Home, by Susan Szenasy.
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