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About Architectural Louvers

Architectural Louvers

266 W. Mitchell Avenue
City, state:
Cincinnati, OH
Postal code:
45232 show map
United States
1-888-Louver1 (568-8371)
1-888-Louver0 (568-8370)
Joseph Ray

Architectural Louvers is an aluminum louver manufacturer specializing in architectural shape wall louvers,, decorative louvers, louvered sunshades, sun control devices, roof equipment screens, vision barriers, and brick vents for the architectural and mechanical construction markets.

As our name states, we do one thing and do it right - Architectural Louvers.

Architectural Louvers is a family owned small business, run by the owners. With over 40 years combined experience in the manufacture and distribution of construction materials, we can deliver on your requirements. Our concern is you (the customer) and your satisfaction long term.

With the consolidation of so many companies in the commercial construction supply business, we believe it is time to get back to what is important. Let's face it, there are too few choices for good suppliers with integrity - and bigger is not better. The big corporate philosophy of "make it cheap, consolidate operations, cut costs, and eliminate service" has brought us further from the customer. What we need is to get closer.

This is our aim at Architectural Louvers. We will focus our attention on customer requirements and deliver what we say we will (and on time). YOUR order is the one that is important.

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Company Information from Architectural Louvers

Company Information from Architectural Louvers
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Products from Architectural Louvers

Products from Architectural Louvers
RFI Preview Product Description Brochures 3-Part CSI specifications CAD details URL
Architectural Louvers In selecting wall louvers and vents, consideration for your application is critical to your project success. Louvers are designed to allow air into the building while keeping out unwanted elements. Improper louver selection may lead to water leakage.... Brochures 3-Part CSI specifications CAD details URL
Equipment Screens Roof Equipment Screens are vision barriers mounted on building rooftops (and elsewhere) to hide mechanical equipment and other unsightly items. Louvered equipment screens also reduce wind loading on structural framing and add an architectural element... Brochures 3-Part CSI specifications CAD details URL
Louvered Sunshades Louvered Sunshades are an attractive means to obstruct undesired sun and heat gain while allowing natural light into your building. While most commonly used as a shelf above windows, louvered sunshades can also be mounted vertically in front of... Brochures 3-Part CSI specifications CAD details URL
Brick vents EX / FL brick vents are ideal for crawl space, between floor, or bath exhaust. These sturdy vents make an attractive accent through brick or block walls, but are equally useful through any wall type. Brochures 3-Part CSI specifications CAD details URL
Louver Applications Architectural Louvers are used to allow air into a building, while keeping out undesirable elements from mother nature like rain, water, dirt, and debris. They also add the extra element of aesthetic design to a building exterior. Use your air intake... Brochures     URL
Architectural Louvers Design Resources Architectural Louvers Designer Resources is the place to find specifications, drawings, and design information for louver products of all types. Add ventilation, view blocking, or sun control to your building while creating an appealing aesthetic... Brochures 3-Part CSI specifications CAD details URL

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News archive:
Wind Driven Rain Storm Louvers from Architectural Louvers (May 30, 2024)
Louvers for Wall Installation from Architectural Louvers (Mar 30, 2024)
Equipment Screens from Architectural Louvers (Feb 02, 2024)
Architectural Louvers Design Resources (Nov 22, 2023)
Louvered Aluminum Sunshades from Architectural Louvers (Sep 22, 2023)
Louvered Roof Equipment Screens from Architectural Louvers (Jul 19, 2023)
Louvers for Wall Installation from Architectural Louvers (May 15, 2023)
Wind Driven Rain Storm Louvers from Architectural Louvers (Mar 10, 2023)
Equipment Screens from Architectural Louvers (Dec 22, 2022)
Louvered Aluminum Sunshades from Architectural Louvers (Oct 07, 2022)
Louvered Roof Equipment Screens from Architectural Louvers (Jul 23, 2022)
Louvers for Wall Installation from Architectural Louvers (Apr 29, 2022)
Louvered Aluminum Sunshades from Architectural Louvers (Feb 09, 2022)
Equipment Screens from Architectural Louvers (Nov 11, 2021)
Louvered Aluminum Sunshades from Architectural Louvers (Aug 25, 2021)
Louvers for Wall Installation from Architectural Louvers (Jun 03, 2021)
Louvered Roof Equipment Screens from Architectural Louvers (Mar 02, 2021)
Louvered Aluminum Sunshades from Architectural Louvers (Nov 23, 2020)
Architectural Louvers Design Resources (Sep 01, 2020)
Make an Attractive Accent Through Brick or Block Walls with Brick Vents (Jun 02, 2020)

(02860) Screening Device
(10200) Louvers and Vent
(10210) Wall Louver
(10220) Louvered Equipment Enclosure
(10230) Vent
(10235) Brick & Brock Vents
(10240) Grilles and Screen
(10700) Exterior Protection
(10705) Exterior Sun Control Device
(10710) Exterior Shutter
(10720) Exterior Louver
(12493) Shades
(13660) Wind Energy Equipment
(08 01 90) Operation and Maintenance of Louvers and Vents
(08 01 95) Operation and Maintenance of Vents
(08 90 00) Louvers and Vents
(08 91 00) Louvers
(08 91 19) Fixed Louvers
  (08 92 00) Louvered Equipment Enclosures
(08 95 16) Wall Vents
(10 71 00) Exterior Protection
(10 71 13) Exterior Sun Control Devices
(10 71 13.43) Fixed Sun Screens
(10 82 00) Grilles and Screens
(10 82 13) Exterior Grilles and Screens
(12 21 13) Horizontal Louver Blinds
(12 21 13.13) Metal Horizontal Louver Blinds
(12 21 13.23) Wood Horizontal Louver Blinds
(12 21 13.33) Plastic Horizontal Louver Blinds
(12 21 16) Vertical Louver Blinds
(12 21 16.13) Metal Vertical Louver Blinds
(12 21 16.23) Wood Vertical Louver Blinds
(12 21 16.33) Plastic Vertical Louver Blinds
(12 46 26) Decorative Screens
(32 35 13) Screens and Louvers

For other relevant searches, you might want to try: aluminum, architectural, brick vent, louver, louvered, louvers, manufacturer, metal, roof equipment screen, roof screens, roof top, sight-proof, sun control device, sun shades, sunshades, vents, wall louvers.