About Valli & Valli (USA), Inc.

Valli & Valli (USA), Inc.
964 Third Ave., Suite 563/Annex
City, state:
New York, NY
Postal code:
United States
(877) 326-2565
(212) 326-8811 Fax:
(212) 326-8816
The handle, as conceived by Valli&Valli, has traditionally conveyed a home’s style and functional elegance and, as a decorative object therein, will remain an important element of interior décor well into the future. Valli&Valli is also united by a history of strong craftsmanship and innovation, principles that have made the company a leader in the creation of brass and Nikrall (a zinc alloy UNI 3717) handles and other household accessories that are designed to satisfy both the formal and practical requirements of the end user.
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