About Unifrax Corporation

Unifrax Corporation
2351 Whirpool Street
City, state:
Niagra Falls, NY
Postal code:
United States
(800) 329-3427
(716) 278-3808 Fax:
(716) 278-3900
Welcome to Unifrax. Providing High Temperature Insulation Products Worldwide. Unifrax Corporation is a leading producer of high temperature insulation products for a wide variety of industrial applications. Our well-known Fiberfrax® ceramic fiber product line, revolutionary Insulfrax® and Isofrax®, soluble fiber products, and other high temperature insulation products provide innovative heat management solutions and exceptional value to our customers in a wide range of markets. With manufacturing and sales presence in the global marketplace, and a leadership position in the global high temperature fibers market, Unifrax offers its worldwide customers the high quality products, service and support that have been the Unifrax standard for more than 60 years.
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