About Tresco Consoles

Tresco Consoles
2235 Blackfoot Trail SE
City, state:
Calgary, Alberta
Postal code:
Doug Layne
Tresco was incorporated more than thirty years ago as a local Calgary manufacturer of high end, top quality office furniture. Commercial opportunity led in the 1980's to Tresco's initial exposure to the market for computer consoles which at the time was inadequately served. Early Tresco consoles were built as millwork units, very attractive but with technical limitations.
In the early 1990s Tresco conducted an extensive R&D investigation into the particular needs and ergonomic challenges of the modern control center operator and developed a modular console design concept that was an instant success in the market. Very soon, the Tresco Series 2400 console was winning major contract awards and attracting the envy of the competition.
Important milestones for Tresco have included the development of new products, in particular the Series 3600 console, a modification of the console frame which gave a console with a rounded, rather than angular, footprint. Tresco established our dominance in console innovation firmly with the design of the Series 4800 console, which offered an all-new, ultra modern aesthetic in control room furniture.
In 2001, Tresco's decades-old tradition of quality was formally acknowledged with certification to the ISO 9001 quality management standard, and successful re-certification in 2003 to the ISO 9001-2000 Standard. Record demand for the Tresco console system in 2001 led Tresco to rationalize and streamline production processes, leading to an estimated 40% improvement in production capacity. 2002 implementation of new, state of the art 3D design technology brought whole new parameters of engineering precision and production efficiency.
Tresco's history as the premiere manufacturer of control room consoles is therefore highlighted by design innovation and continual improvement in process development and quality management. Production and procurement paths are optimized, bottlenecks have identified and eliminated to the point where Tresco is in a position to commit with complete confidence to the delivery schedule required by the MCMU Console Project.
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