About Tangible Research & Development Corp.

Tangible Research & Development Corp.
900 Colorado Ave. S
City, state:
Minneapolis, MN
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United States
(800) 328-4650
(612) 374-5852 Fax:
(763) 543-1005
Service Provider
Welcome to Acoustic Clean, the product and service to successfully clean acoustical ceilings. In today's world it has become apparent that Acoustical ceilings need to be cleaned, and cleaned often. Building maintenance companies of today clean, desks, tables, floors, walls, doors, windows on a regular basis. What about the ceilings? Ceilings are a magnet for airborne microscopic materials. The second the ventilation system engages dust mites that you see attached to the vents and ceiling tile area. What is in that dust? One could only guess what may be in the dust. You certainly don't want the dust particles to find their way into your food or beverages or your customers either. The Acoustic Clean process offers an inexpensive alternative way to maintain your ceilings, lights, vents, walls and other fixtures. Contact us for more information.
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(09590) Ceiling Assembly Restoration (09 01 50) Maintenance of Ceilings |
For other relevant searches, you might want to try: The Original Acoustical Ceiling Cleaning Process Menu Welcome to Acoustic Clean, the product and service to successfully clean acoustical ceilings.