About T. Clear Corp.

T. Clear Corp.
3255 Symmes Rd.
City, state:
Hamilton, OH
Postal code:
United States
(800) 544-7398
(513) 870-9246 Fax:
(513) 870-9606
Fin Pan, Inc. was formed in 1975 by Ted and Mary Louise Clear to manufacture Wonderboard backer board for Modulars, Inc. Ted Clear's automated continuous manufacturing process enabled Wonderboard to be mass-produced. Fin Pan, Inc., later, developed and marketed its own backer board trademarked Util-A-Crete®. This unique expertise in process engineering led to manufacturing of IRMA roofing panels for Dow Chemical USA in 1976. T. Clear Corp., a subsidiary of Fin Pan Inc., was established in 1990 to both manufacture and market this product under the trade name LIGHTGUARD® Protected Membrane Roof Insulation. T. Clear Corp. and Fin Pan, Inc. have combined sound forward thinking with continued process refinements to create a family of building products that now includes HEAVYGUARD®, COOLGUARD®, PROGUARD, THERMADRY®, THERMACAV®, ProTEC® Concrete Structural Insulated Panel Systems, Util-A-Crete®, and ProTEC Concrete Backer Board. Because of their focus on quality, commitment to improving process and product, and readiness to provide technical support even long after the sale, Fin Pan, Inc. and T. Clear will remain solid industry leaders for years to come.
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