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StoneLite Panels Successfully Pass NFPA 285 Standard for an Open Joint System

  Subscribe to FREE newsletter  Feb 17, 2015

Stone Panels International LLC is pleased to announce that our StoneLite® product has been tested and approved to the 2012 NFPA 285 fire standard for an open joint (rainscreen) system. Testing was performed at an accredited facility on June 19th, 2014 to the National Fire Protection Association 285, Standard Fire Test for Evaluation of Fire Propagation Characteristics of Exterior Nonload-Bearing Wall Assemblies Containing Combustible Components, 2012 Edition.

This achievement provides our clients with a light weight natural stone product to be used in designs meeting the NFPA 285 standards reflected in the California Code of Regulations (CRR) Title 24.

The primary performance characteristics evaluated were:

  • Flame propagation over the exterior face of the system

  • Vertical flame spread within the combustible core components from one story to the next

  • Vertical flame spread over the interior (room side) surface of the panels from one story to the next

  • Lateral flame spread from the compartment of the fire origin to adjacent spaces
The configuration of the test wall consisted of:
  • 5/8” thick Type X Gypsum

  • 3-5/8” 16-ga steel studs on 24” spacing

  • ½” thick Densglass Gold sheathing

  • Mineral wool floor line safing (4 pcf)

  • Henry Blueskin Self Adhering Waterproofing Membrane

  • 5x2x1/8 in. thick aluminum flashing

  • 25 mm extruded aluminum furring channels by Nvelope USA

  • 2” thick Thermafiber mineral wool continues insulation (CI)

  • StoneLite® panels and aluminum attachment system
This wall configuration, which meets the acceptance criteria in the test standard, allows for the broadest selection of materials in the wall assembly for an open joint continuously insulated exterior stone cladding application. The StoneLite® wall panel system met all test criteria for the 2012 NFPA 285 standard.

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