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About Urban Concepts

Urban Concepts

Urban Concepts

StoneLite® natural stone panels are a great exterior cladding option for high end multi-family residences. StoneLite® panels are not only an attractive and affordable alternative to dimensional stone but they allow the architect’s vision to be realized without the cumbersome difficulties associated with other cladding options. Their lightweight characteristics are ideal for architectural features such as cornices, fins, and cantilevered structures.

Brochures | 3-Part CSI specifications | CAD details

3-Part CSI specifications for Urban Concepts

3-Part CSI specifications for Urban Concepts
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Section 04 42 00 EXTERIOR STONE
This suggested guide specification has been developed using the current edition of the Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) “Manual of Practice,” including the recommendations for the CSI 3 Part Section Format and the CSI Page Format. Additionally, the development concept and organizational arrangement of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) MASTERSPEC Program have been recognized in the preparation of this guide specification. Neither CSI nor AIA endorse specific manufacturers and products. The preparation of the guide specification assumes the use of standard contract documents and forms, including the “Conditions of the Contract,” published by the AIA.
DOC 73 kB Download
Section 07 42 00 WALL PANELS
This suggested guide specification has been developed using the current edition of the Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) “Manual of Practice,” including the recommendations for the CSI 3 Part Section Format and the CSI Page Format. Additionally, the development concept and organizational arrangement of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) MASTERSPEC Program have been recognized in the preparation of this guide specification. Neither CSI nor AIA endorse specific manufacturers and products. The preparation of the guide specification assumes the use of standard contract documents and forms, including the “Conditions of the Contract,” published by the AIA.
DOC 64 kB Download

CAD details for Urban Concepts

CAD details for Urban Concepts
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Stone Panels CAD/BIM Details
We are happy to assist in choosing the proper attachment system and will create custom details specific to your project. Our in house engineering team is is a tremendous resource to our customers as they can assist with design and value options to help the project maintain the architect’s vision and an affordable solution. Contact our Technical Services Staff at 800-328-6275.
DWG/PDF 31 kB   Download

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07 42 00 - Wall Panels