About Shell Building Systems, LLC

Shell Building Systems, LLC
1224 Sexton Road
City, state:
Sebastopol, CA
Postal code:
Postal code PO Box:
United States
707-829-6000 Fax:
Gary Radzat
Shell Building Systems is the oldest SIP (Structural Insulated Panel) company in California. Since 1971, we have built and installed over 25,000,000 s/f of SIPs both in the U.S. and Europe. Our company is unique in that we are Distributors of SIPs from Premier Building Systems, the largest SIP manufacturing company in the U.S. We provide complete SIP fabrication and engineering of the entire system, ready to install. We specialize in both Residential and Commerical/Multi-family projects. Our company can provide Construction Management Services, Development Assistance through the permitting and entitlement process. We have successfully provided over 5,000 home development projects. Our organization can provide the design as well as the engineering of any residential or commerical project. Bollinger Development, LLC is our Construction Management Division and Shell SIPs, LLC is our installation and General Contracting Division. We have been building 'Green' for over 27 years!
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