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About Bollards > Covers

Bollards > Covers

Increase durability and style with bollard sleeves and covers

Security posts are made of steel and concrete. When left bare, they can suffer corrosion, and offer limited design possibilities. Bollard covers, whether metal or plastic, protect the post and add a pleasing profile. A range of styles are available to enhance visibility and complement site, street, or landscape. For use over steel security pipes or crash-rated bollards. 

Decorative Covers

Decorative metal bollard covers are designed with a range of projects and architectural styles in mind. For buildings and landscapes with strong visual designs, choose decorative covers with classical architectural design to provide security without detracting from the surroundings. View All Decorative Covers

Plastic Bollard Sleeves

Plastic bollard covers are lightweight and so are very simple to install. Ten different color options offer visibility and safety to high traffic areas. They protect posts against scrapes and vehicles against paint-transfer. Plastic is an economical option available in a range of heights and widths. View All Plastic Bollard Sleeves

Stainless Steel Covers

Stainless steel offers a sleek and stylish modern look, echoing the glass and steel look of contemporary design. High-grade 316 stainless steel offers the best corrosion resistance, even in tough marine and winter environments. View All Stainless Steel Covers

Crash-rated Bollard Covers

Covers suited to crash-rated or security bollards are available in stainless steel, plastic, steel, and ductile iron. Prevent corrosion and reduce maintenance with sleeves in decorative or functional styles. Protect the bollards that protect your site. View All Crash Rated Bollard Covers

Brochures | 3-Part CSI specifications | CAD details

3-Part CSI specifications for Bollards > Covers

3-Part CSI specifications for Bollards > Covers
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Bollards Specifications
Construction Specifications for Bollards and Bollard Covers (CSI/CSC Format)
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CAD details for Bollards > Covers

CAD details for Bollards > Covers
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News archive:
Reliance Foundry Co Ltd: Decorative Plastic Bollard Covers achieve the historical refinement of Cast Iron (Dec 13, 2014)
Reliance Foundry’s Color-Rich Plastic Bollard Covers Prove a Popular New Buyer Choice (Nov 25, 2010)

02800 - Site Improvements and Amenities
02840 - Walk, Road and Parking Appurtenance
02870 - Site Furnishing
06600 - Plastic Fabrication
10700 - Exterior Protection
12460 - Furnishing Accessories
12840 - Interior Landscape Accessories
06 60 00 - Plastic Fabrications
06 61 13 - Cultured Marble Fabrications
06 61 16 - Solid Surfacing Fabrications
06 63 00 - Plastic Railings
06 64 00 - Plastic Paneling
06 82 00 - Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Plastic
10 71 00 - Exterior Protection
12 46 00 - Furnishing Accessories
12 92 43 - Interior Landscaping Accessories
12 93 00 - Site Furnishings
32 17 13 - Parking Bumpers
32 17 13.16 - Plastic Parking Bumpers
32 30 00 - Site Improvements
34 71 13 - Vehicle Barriers

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