R-50 Attic Stairs Insulator Cover
![]() | Jan 04, 2018 |
A Message From Mark Tyrol, President of Battic© Door:
Due to the recent IRC and IECC Code changes it may be difficult for Architects, Builders, Contractors, Remodelers, etc. to select an attic access solution for residential use that meets the new Building and Energy Codes:
2009 IECC Section 402.2.3 and 2009 IRC Section N1102.2.3 and 2012 IECC Section R402.2.4 reads: "Access hatches and doors. Access doors from conditioned spaces to unconditioned spaces (e.g., attics and crawl spaces) shall be weatherstripped and insulated to a level equivalent to the insulation on the surrounding surfaces." Energy Star Version 3 requirements conform with the 2009, 2012 IECC and 2009, 2012 IRC. The 2012 International Green Construction Code conforms to the 2012 IECC.
These Code requirements mean the attic access pull down ladder or access hatch must now be insulated to the same level as the rest of the attic (minimum R-30).
Our Battic© Door R-50 Attic Stair Cover Insulation Kit is your attic access solution that meets these new Codes. It provides an air-sealed attic access that helps to increase your blower door test results.
It is important to note that R-5, R-10 attic ladders Do Not Meet Code - they must be insulated to minimum of R-30.
Download the New Energy Code & Building Code Requirements for Attic Access
How does Battic© Door Attic Stair Cover works?
- The Battic© Door Attic Stair Cover works like a storm window for your folding attic stairway opening!
- The gap around your attic stairway is like an open window. In the cold winter your heat flows right out and cold air flows right in; and in the summer your air-conditioning flows right out and the heat flows right in!
- The Battic© Door Attic Stair Cover covers and seals the stairway opening, in effect sealing off this area and blocking the transfer of air and moisture. It also helps to prevent the entry of noise, attic dust, pollutants, insulation, insects, and rodents into the living area from the attic through the drop-down attic stairway door - all while still being easily removed for rapid access to the attic.
- The Battic© Door Attic Stair Cover is installed over thick, soft weatherstripping that is attached to the attic stairway frame (not the structural framing of the building or the attic floor). The Battic© Door sinks into the weatherstripping and embeds itself into it, effectively limiting air leakage between the conditioned house and the unconditioned attic.
- The Battic© Door Attic Stair Cover rests on thick weatherstripping applied to the attic stairway frame - not the structural framing of the house or the attic floor! The Battic© Door installs in minutes and no modifications to your attic floor are needed!
- The Battic© Door Attic Stair Cover is a "Green" product made from recycled materials!
- The Battic© Door Attic Stair Cover includes everything needed to immediately reduce drafts, air leakage and wasted energy!
- The Battic© Door Attic Stair Cover kit is quickly and easily installed in minutes with no tools required! Just quickly assemble the Battic© Door, install the weatherstripping on the top of the stairway frame, and place the Battic© Door over the stairway opening!
- The Battic© Door Attic Stair Cover instantly creates a sealed, insulating dead-air space nearly 18" deep between the Battic© Door insulating cover and the folding attic stairway door!
- The Battic© Door R-50 insulation kit (the highest R-Value of any kit available!) installs in seconds and restores the insulation removed to install your folding attic stairs! Or add your own insulation to your desired levels!
- The Battic© Door Attic Stair Cover can be covered with sheetrock (gypsum board). This can maintain the fire rating of your ceiling.
- The Battic© Door Attic Stair Cover is available in 2 sizes to fit 22" to 22-1/2" x 54" and 25" to 25-1/2" x 54" rough openings.
- The Battic© Door Attic Stair Cover is 13-1/2" deep to fit virtually any attic stairway without any modifications to the attic floor or existing structure!
- The Battic© Door Attic Stair Cover was recently awarded United States Patent No. 5,623,795!
- Save Heating and Cooling $$$!
- Ver Low cost
- Rapid Payback (months - not years)!!
- The Battic© Door Attic Stair Cover folds flat for low-cost shipping and compact storage!
- The Battic© Door Attic Stair Cover reduces problems with moisture, noise, dust, and the entry of pollutants, insects, and rodents from the attic through the drop-down attic stairway door!
- The Battic© Door Attic Stair Cover reduces air leakage that carries moisture into your attic space where it can create tremendous moisture problems including mold, rot and decay!
- The Battic© Door Attic Stair Cover reduces the risk of ice dams! (see Frequently Asked Questions for further information about ice dams!).
- The Battic© Door Attic Stair Cover Works Year-Round in Summer HEAT and Winter COLD!
- The Battic© Door Attic Stair Cover increases comfort of your home by reducing drafts!
- The 2000 International Energy Conservation Code (IECC™) -- currently adopted by more than 20 states, requires that "all penetrations in the building envelope between conditioned and unconditioned space or outside the building must be sealed with durable caulking materials or closed with gasketing materials (see IECC Sections 502.1.4.2 and 602.1.10)!
- Battic© Door Attic Stair Covers is proud to support local sheltered workshops that provide dignified and meaningful employment opportunities for people with disabilities.
- The Battic© Door Attic Stair Cover is a "Green" product made from recycled materials.
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