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About Public Sewer Service


Public Sewer Service

190 Main Ave.
City, state:
Wallington, NJ
Postal code:
07057 show map
United States
(973) 778-4700
(973) 779-7359
Service Provider

PUBLIC SEWER SERVICE is a full service sewer maintenance contractor. We specialize in sewer and drain cleaning, video sewer inspection, sewer ejector pumps and the entire sanitary and storm sewer system.

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(02500) Utility Service
(02950) Site Restoration and Rehabilitation
(02955) Restoration of Underground Piping
(31 01 00) Maintenance of Earthwork
(32 01 00) Operation and Maintenance of Exterior Improvements
(33) Utilities
(33 01 00) Operation and Maintenance of Utilities
  (33 01 30) Operation and Maintenance of Sewer Utilities
(33 01 30.13) Sewer and Manhole Testing
(33 01 30.16) TV Inspection of Sewer Pipelines
(33 01 30.51) Maintenance of Sewer Utilities
(33 01 30.61) Sewer and Pipe Joint Sealing
(33 01 30.71) Rehabilitation of Sewer Utilities
(33 01 30.72) Relining Sewers

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