About Polar Engraving

Polar Engraving
6166 Taylor Road, Unit 105
City, state:
Naples, FL
Postal code:
United States
(239)597-8005 Fax:
Polarengraving has been dedicated to start and achieve successful brick pavers fundraising projects since 1998. You will benefit from our marketing experience; we will assist you from the beginning of your donor program till the complete success of your brick fundraiser. We will show you how to successfully market your engraved brick paver campaign, we will explain you how to maximize your future revenues and finally we will help you promote the memorial campaign for the life of your project. Our company has been 12 years in the brick fundraising business with a very high customer satisfaction rate.
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(12100) Art (12190) Ecclesiastical Art (12 10 00) Art (12 19 00) Religious Art |
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