About Paramount Industries, Inc.

Paramount Industries, Inc.
(800) 521-5405
(810) 679-2551 Fax:
(810) 679-4045
Paramount Industries, Inc. designs and manufactures high performance lighting for specialized environments. These applications include wet location lighting, cleanroom lighting, hazardous location lighting, NSF Certified food processing lighting, booth lighting or paint booth lighting, industrial and commercial lighting, marine lighting, transit lighting. They also provide custom luminaire design and manufacturing. The core of their product line is built around linear fluorescent luminaires, but they also create products with compact fluorescent and HID light sources. They also utilize new technologies such as inductive lighting and LED. Paramount has always been an innovator in industrial lighting, introducing the first automotive pit lights and later introducing one of the first industrial T5 fluorescent troffers in North America. The company has been in business since 1947, and is located close to the beautiful blue waters of Lake Huron, in Croswell, MI. They are proud to offer UL Listed lighting products that are made in the USA.
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