About MidNorth Epoxy Flooring

MidNorth Epoxy Flooring
715-627-0526 URL:
Dave Dahms
MIDNORTH EPOXY FLOORING provides many solutions to the problems faced by engineers in a manufacturing facility.
Our workmanship and knowledge of our product gives you satisfaction for years to come. We are your epoxy flooring specialist.
Because today's industrial plants require high quality floors to enhance production and to provide a safe floor that satisfies environmental regulations, MIDNORTH EPOXY FLOORING handles all your flooring and chemical containment needs.
MIDNORTH EPOXY FLOORING also installs decorative, non-skid floors for your home or business. These floors are easy to clean, seemless, and a compliment to the versatility of epoxy floors.
With 22 years of experience and noted for our extensive preparation work, which sets us apart from our competitors and has resulted in unlimited satisfied customers, CONTACT us today. You'll be glad you did!
All our seemless floors can be custom textured to meet your needs.
COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL concrete protective floor systems for 20 mils - 1/4 inch applications. High chemical resistance, 100% non-porous. Long lasting, easy to clean.
3M COLOR QUARTZ FLOORS: Clear, seemless, epoxy resin with colored aggregate for decorative floors.
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