About LaHabra

4125 E. La Palma Ave. #250
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(866) 516-0061
Tech Support: (800) 226-2424 Fax:
Today, LaHabra continues to set new standards for product quality, consistency, reliability and service. We continue to search out better solutions. We back every product with the best customer service in the industry. We understand how important our customers' success is to our own. We base our business on this crucial understanding.
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News archive:
Allegro Cement Coating (Dec 26, 2017)
LaHabra's Perma Flex meets the growing demand for stucco finishes in tradition or nontraditional areas (Nov 30, 2017)
LaHabra Exterior Stucco Color Coat (Aug 05, 2017)
Lahabra Thin Veneer System over Stucco / Cement Board (Jun 26, 2017)
Santa Barbara Mission Finish (Apr 12, 2017)
LaHabra FastWall Stucco and High Efficiency Assemblies (Mar 07, 2017)
Santa Barbara Mission Finish (Dec 24, 2016)
Allegro Cement Coating (Sep 15, 2016)
LaHabra's Perma Flex meets the growing demand for stucco finishes in tradition or nontraditional areas (Jul 08, 2016)
LaHabra Exterior Stucco Color Coat (Mar 23, 2016)
Lahabra Thin Veneer System over Stucco / Cement Board (Dec 05, 2015)
LaHabra Adds a Pop of Color to California State University QUAD (Oct 14, 2015)
LaHabra FastWall Stucco and High Efficiency Assemblies (Apr 19, 2015)
LaHabra's Perma Flex meets the growing demand for stucco finishes in tradition or nontraditional areas (Jan 20, 2015)
LaHabra® Platinum Plus. Less cost. Better performance. (Sep 22, 2014)
SMA Promotes Growth Through Education, Expansion And Partnership With Industry (Jun 29, 2014)
NTS Exterior Stucco Color Coat (Apr 08, 2014)
Exterior Stucco Color Coat (Nov 18, 2013)
New Product From LaHabra: EIFS Sheathing Adhesive (Apr 11, 2013)
The New ColorFast Pigment System From LaHabra (Jun 09, 2012)
Base And Mesh Systems For Crack Reduction (Sep 28, 2011)
LaHabra's New FastWall Stucco and High Efficiency Assemblies Brochure (Dec 08, 2010)
New Technology Stucco (Aug 06, 2010)
Allegro Cement Coating (Mar 04, 2010)
Exterior Stucco Color Coat (Dec 07, 2009)
Rodrigo Lacerda Appointed President of ParexLahabra, Inc. (Sep 19, 2009)
The greatest innovation in stucco formulation in years (Sep 13, 2009)
Parex Introduces Stucco Level Coat (Feb 25, 2009)
Providing Convenience in a Bag - LaHabra Launches Two New Products (Jul 23, 2008)
(07240) Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems (EIFS) (07 24 00) Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems |
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