Knauf Kwikflex™ Pipe And Tank Insulation Makes Headlines With Kansas City Start Facility
![]() | Oct 23, 2012 |
Success in the newspaper business means getting the story fast and getting it right. A newspaper builds a solid reputation by delivering the most compelling news quickly and—above all—accurately. Most readers never realize the major effort that goes into delivering the news to their doorstep every day to read with their morning cup of coffee.
When the Kansas City Star chose to build a major production and distribution facility in downtown Kansas City, the scope of the project placed similar demands for speed and dependability on the contractors involved—and Knauf Insulation’s KwikFlex Pipe and Tank Insulation helped answer the call.
The Kansas City Star makes the news
When Knight Ridder unveiled plans for the Kansas City Star’s $199 million production facility, the paper found itself in the news instead of just reporting it. After all, the project is a big story for downtown Kansas City, with emphasis on the word “big:” with a footprint of 170,000 square feet, the Star facility will take up two full blocks just south of the heart of the city.
In making this decision, the Star’s management hopes to contribute to a revitalization of downtown Kansas City, adding a bold new structure to the city’s skyline. From its swooping roofline (the equivalent of four stories on its south end to eight stories on the north) to the turquoise wall of glass overlooking the city sidewalk, the building—developed by the Austin Company of Cleveland—is striking in its size and design.
“I think it’s going to be a remarkable structure and a great addition to downtown,” said Kansas City Mayor Kay Barnes.But translating the spectacular project from architectural plans to reality also meant an incredible amount of work compressed into tight construction timelines with a number of unforeseen challenges along the way. Fortunately, Knauf Insulation offered products that allowed crews to stay productive and beat their deadlines.
Knauf Products Deliver
A “Kwik” solution
A recent addition to Knauf’s Pipe and Equipment product line, KwikFlex Pipe and Tank Insulation provides an easy solution for insulating large diameter pipe and irregularly-shaped applications. KwikFlex is a faced fiber glass blanket with fibers that are specially formed to offer a unique combination of flexibility and compressive strength, allowing quick installation and a tight wrap around curved surfaces.
On the Kansas City Star project, KwikFlex Pipe and Tank Insulation offered a perfect solution for the 14” to 60” diameter round ductwork that runs throughout the structure.
Knauf’s high-wire act
One challenge faced by the INSCO team was the height of the ductwork. With ceilings up to 120 feet high, much of their work took place far above the concrete floor. Along with the sheer size of the project, this made for a challenging installation. For the INSCO crews, this highlighted the need for a product that is easy to work with and installs quickly. KwikFlex Pipe and Tank Insulation fit the bill.
“This is the biggest commercial job I’ve done, so it’s important to stay on schedule and be ready for any crises that come up,” said Bill Kuhnoff, INSCO’s general foreman for the Star project.
“KwikFlex is easy to work with—it holds steady and stands up to the usual job site wear and tear,” Kuhnoff added. “We’ve beat all of our deadlines, and I give a lot of the credit to the product. By relying on Knauf, we avoided problems and kept on moving.”
Kuhnoff had two crews of ten employees each working on the Star site, and typically assigned two installers each day to handle KwikFlex. These two-man teams The fiber orientation of Knauf KwikFlex Pipe and Tank
Insulation provides excellent compressive strength for abuse resistance and to maintain thermal performance.installed an average of 650 square feet of KwikFlex daily, and gave the product positive reviews for fabrication and installation.
“It handles well, and cuts like butter,” said one veteran INSCO installer.
Behind the headlines
With construction proceeding according to schedule, the new facility is slated to begin producing newspapers in early 2006. And while Knauf Insulation may never appear on the front page of the Kansas City Star, Knauf’s KwikFlex Pipe and Tank Insulation, Insulation Board, Friendly Feel™ Duct Wrap and Pipe Insulation will help make the Stara more comfortable—and energy efficient—place to work.