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Keep the beauty of natural stone

  Subscribe to FREE newsletter  Apr 23, 2009

StoneLite® panels keep the beauty of natural stone and eliminate its fragile, brittle and variable properties. They are frequently installed on lobby walls, ceilings and reception desks. The impact resistant lightweight stone is easy to handle and does not require heavy lifting equipment. Large size panels provide design flexibility.

The combination of StoneLite® Natural Stone, state of the art computer aided design and CNC machining to cut the oblique shapes, have allowed the creation of the rotunda for the Sacramento Courthouse in Sacramento, CA. More than 10,000 different pieces each having a slightly different size and different trapezium shape clad the sloping walls in this elliptic, ever-changing radius room. Stone Panels used a CNC saw to cut each piece to size. Each panel was drawn to scale using Autocad and then programmed into the CNC machine to be cut. Each piece was labeled with it's individual location and shipped to the jobsite. All of the pieces fit exactly as they were planned.

The panels are installed using simple carpentry tools and are easily field cut with a dry-cut diamond blade in a portable saw. They can be installed in an occupied building with minimal disturbance to the occupants and can be installed very quickly by trades who are already on the project, eliminating the need to bring in specialized labor. They bring the beauty of natural stone, without the difficulty.

StoneLite® panels provide a natural stone finish to a building while insuring that it is an extremely strong, safe installation that will withstand the test of time.

StoneLite® Puchon granite was factory fabricated into rectangular shapes for this beautiful ceiling in the Korean Supreme Court Building in Seoul, Korea.

StoneLite® panels are ideal for overhead applications. Weighing only 3.3 lbs./sq. ft. they are easily supported by common ceiling framing and can be quickly installed with no special lifting equipment required.

At Embarcadero Centers I, II, III, & IV in San Francisco, StoneLite® Vilhonneur limestone was fabricated to appear as thick, heavy stone cladding the walls of three lobby levels in each of the four buildings plus the desks, and 80 elevator cabs.

All work was done between the hours of 8:00 PM and 6:00 am without any disturbance to the occupants. The panels were supplied in pre-assembled modules, stored in a parking garage in the basement, and loaded into the elevators to be brought up to the lobbies as required.

The panels were installed directly over the fractured rib concrete, with no additional framing required. The added value of maintenance-free natural stone enhances occupancy demand.

The warm tone of limestone from the Savoy region of France helped create a dramatic statement on both the interior and exterior of this Atrium feature wall. The 2’- 8” high x 4’- 4” wide modules set in a coursed pattern lends a traditional element to this modern 3-story facility on the banks of the North Platte River.

In renovation, using StoneLite® panels for over-cladding is usually the most cost effective solution. Covering existing walls saves the expense of removing and disposing of the existing cladding. When over-cladding with Stone Panels, building occupants can remain with minimal disturbance, and the location continues to produce income.

Complex shapes, having both polished and flamed finishes, were fabricated for the interior spaces of the Esnet Office Building in Provo, Utah. The lightweight Dakota Mahogany granite panels were quickly and easily attached using adhesive over gypsum wallboard in the elevator lobbies, on the bench walls and planters, and on column covers and fascias at the front and rear entries. StoneLite® granite was also installed in the elevator cabs.

StoneLite® panels also provide a quick return on investment for the building owner as the natural stone finish upgrades their image, increasing occupancy and tenant satisfaction.

To determine if StoneLite® panels are right for your specific application, please contact our Technical Services Staff at (800)328-6275 or (469)635-5000.

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