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About Ipik Door Co.

Ipik Door Co.
P.O. Box 250
802 Short St. Bldg K City, state:
Kenner, LA
Postal code:
United States
(800) 229-4745
(504) 469-3666 Fax:
(504) 467-3666
Quality, experience, knowledge, and integrity are important elements incorporated into Ipik's performance. A customer is given many aesthetic and structural options, but the performance of IPIK doors is never compromised. A job done right, is in everyone's best interest.
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(08210) Wood Door (08 14 23) Clad Wood Doors (08 14 23.13) Metal-Faced Wood Doors |
(08 14 23.16) Plastic-Laminate-Faced Wood Doors (08 14 29) Prefinished Wood Doors (08 16 00) Composite Doors |
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