About IPE Lumber (Rogers Sales Co.)

IPE Lumber (Rogers Sales Co.)
P.O. Box 351
City, state:
Farmingdale, NY
Postal code:
United States
(516) 661-0398
(516) 752-0459
James Rogers
Service Provider
IPE ("ee'-pay") is a naturally durable hardwood that has been rated by the U.S. Forest Products Lab to have a durability rating of 25 years plus, making it one of the most durable timbers available. Air dried IPE is well suited for exterior residential and commercial applications, such as decks, docks, exterior furniture and any other applications where an extremely durable and attractive hardwood is desired.
IPE has been used for many years in the United States, IPE has been used all along the eastern seaboard for more than 25 years where extremely durable material is desired. IPE grows in many different regions of South America, every effort is made to acquire the IPE from responsible sustainable forecasting operations.
IPE is about twice as heavy as oak, and four to five times as heavy as cedar or redwood. Partially dried IPE weighs around 6 lb./net board foot. IPE has a high natural resistance to wood boring insects and termites. IPE has the same fire rating as metal and concrete, that is a Class-A by the N.F.P.A Code and Class-1 by the U.B.C Code.
IPE is milled PAD, which means, partially air dried with a moisture content range of 16-20%. With an extremely dense wood, there is not the moisture saturation as in soft woods, therefore less tangible and radical shrinkage. A 4" IPE board will shrink less than 1/16" in width, therefore, spacing is required.
IPE is available in most common decking and dimensional lumber sizes such as: 2x2, 2x4, 2x6, 2x8, 2x10, 1x4, 1x6, 5/4x6, 5/4x8 in an S4S E4E material. Custom sizes and tongue & groove decking may be ordered. IPE may be cut with standard saws equipped with carbide tipped blades. Pre-Drilling is required and stainless steel screws are suggested for surface fasteners due to the extreme density of the wood.
IPE does not require any type of sealer to maintain its durability, resist rot, or resist insects such as termites. The fine and dense grain structure keeps it from warping, cupping or splintering. A penetrating UV-inhibited sealer may be applied to maintain the natural brown luster of the wood. The density of IPE minimizes the ability of fungus and mold to grow on it, which is the main cause of slippery decks. The texture of the wood is a smooth surface and after some weathering, shallow surface checking will keep the surface from being too slick.
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