About Interax Group

Interax Group
318 John R. Road, Suite 337
City, state:
Troy, Michigan
Postal code:
United States
1-800-884-3160 URL:
Colin Halford
The Interax Group Inc. is a provider of software solutions and consulting services to meet the requirements of all sectors of service and manufacturing industries in North America.
Interax Group was founded in 1995 as a quality management consulting organization. Since then, we have provided consulting services in quality management to all sectors of business manufacturing, healthcare and government.
The Interax Group currently represents three software packages: Paradigm 3, for Document and Compliance management; FLAGS real time production and quality monitoring and reporting software and Clarity a full MRP package mainly focused in the printing industry.
In all cases technical support and training is provided through our offices in North America. Our support not only includes help with technical software matters, but also on how best to personalize and utilize our software in your environment to ensure your optimal success.
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(00216) Document Management (45) Industry-Specific Manufacturing Equipment (45 27 00) Printing and Related Manufacturing Equipment (45 28 99) User-Defined Printing and Related Manufacturing Equipment |
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