About Hycrete

462 Barell Avenue
City, state:
Carlstadt, NJ
Postal code:
United States
201 386 8110
201 386 8155
Hycrete products transform ordinary concrete into a waterproof/corrosion-protected building material. All Hycrete products can contribute to LEED credits.
Hycrete System W enables membrane-free, waterproof construction, and includes an industry-leading service and an unparalleled performance warranty . System W also offers 30%+ first-cost savings and critical-path schedule acceleration. The use of System W can deliver LEED “Innovation in Design” credit. Typical applications include foundations / basement slabs and walls, elevator pits, pools and water features, plazas and podium decks.
Hycrete W500 offers a green alternative to integral crystalline waterproofing. Hycrete W500 repels water instead of absorbing it, protecting your structure against water penetration and corrosion. It is safe and easy to use, and does not delay set time. It may be used on its own in precast, decorative, or in-situ concrete, in many water tanks, parking garages and balconies. It may also be used in belt and suspender applications such as below grade waterproofing for sensitive applications and green roofs.
Hycrete X1000 is a dual-action corrosion inhibitor which works in two ways:
(1) By forming a passivating layer on the steel surface which protects against chloride and other salt ion damage
(2) By reducing the sorptivity of concrete up to 7 times better than control concrete, so less water and dissolved salts can penetrate to attack embedded structural steel.
Concrete treated with X1000 never requires reapplication and outperforms High Performance Concrete mixes (HPC) that include silica fume, fly ash, slag and calcium nitrite corrosion inhibitors. Applications include bridges, roads, traffic dividers/barriers, sidewalks, airport runways, and marine structures.
Hycrete M1000 is used in concrete masonry units / CMUs, pavers, mortar, and stucco. It improves the durability of these materials and reduces the risk of water penetration, leaching, efflorescence, and staining. It can be used in colored concrete, mortar and stucco.
For more information on Hycrete products, applications, LEED contributions, and more, please visit our website. We look forward to hearing from you.
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