About Hazleton Pumps, Inc.

Hazleton Pumps, Inc.
225 N Cedar St.
City, state:
Hazleton, PA
Postal code:
PO Box:
PO Box 488
United States
(570) 455-7711
(570) 459-2586
Weir Minerals - world leaders in abrasion and corrosion resistant slurry pumps, slurry valves, hydrocyclones and mill liners for the mining and mineral processing industries. Our Brands include Warman, Ash Pump, Galigher, Geho Pumps, Weiresist, Hazleton, Cavex, IsoGate, Envirotech, Indupaq and Schabaver. The Weir Minerals Division is made up of the following companies - Weir Warman in Todmorden and Sydney, Weir Slurry in Madison, Weir Hazleton in Hazleton, Weir Brasil in Sao Paulo, Weir Vulco in Santiago, Weir Indupaq in Santiago, Weir Envirotech in Lyon and Gauteng, Weir Netherlands in Venlo, these companies were formerly known as Warman International and Envirotech pumpsystems and manufacture warman abrasion resistant slurry pumps, Ash Pump corrosion resistant slurry Pumps, Hazleton Electosubmersible slurry pumps, Iso-Gate Slurry knife gate valves, Weiresist mill liners, trommel, screens, lifter bars, impact bars, Cavex hydrocyclones, Galigher Vertical wear resistant Sump Pumps, Geho Piston positive displacement Pumps and Schabaver Slurry Pumps.
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