About HandyDeck Inc.

HandyDeck Inc.
1807 14th St Level 2 NW
City, state:
Washington, DC
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United States
Malcolm Kay
"For over 10 years, HandyDeck has been a leading supplier of commercial and residential interlocking deck tiles and paving products. Our outdoor flooring products have been used to create superb rooftop decks, porch decks, patio flooring, balcony floors and basement flooring throughout the USA and Canada. HandyDeck is a major importer of porcelain pavers with a range of over 30 colors available ex stock from our East coast or West coast warehouses. We work closely with all the main manufacturers of porcelain tiles in Europe and are the exclusive importers of products from the leading Italian manufacturer, Kronos Ceramiche"
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(09 30 00) Tiling (09 66 00) Terrazzo Flooring (32 14 26) Wood Paving |
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