About Guest Industries, Inc.

Guest Industries, Inc.
3601 Winsted Rd.
City, state:
Torrington, CT
Postal code:
United States
(800) 243-5390
(860) 482-1118 Fax:
(860) 489-6336
Guest Industries started on September 1, 1970. We specialize in attachments for Backhoes, Loaders and Graders. Whenever we can, we make them so you can mount them quickly without the use of tools.
You will notice that we have products that you cannot obtain from any other source, yet are priced reasonably. One of our unique products is a TRENCH PAVER, which quick-clamps on to the lip of a loader bucket, without using any tools. There are four models to choose from to fit various trench widths. Many customers are using our Paver to pave bike paths, cart paths, sidewalks, etc.
Our newest product line is BACKHOE MOUNTED THUMBS. We have thumbs that weld on and also units that CLAMP-ON to the stick, for machines with cast sticks, where welding is not allowed. All units store complete when not in use, eliminating searching for parts when needed. Our clamp-on units allow their use on more than one machine of the same size class. We are also adding new models all the time.
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