About Glasspec

10344 S.W. 187th Street
City, state:
Miami, FL
Postal code:
United States
(305)255-8444 Fax:
Glasspec is beginning its 25th year in business, under the same ownership, as a fabricator of fiberglass products. As a closely held family business, we are quick to react to perceived product needs in the markets we serve, and regularly add new products to our line or modify existing products in an effort to improve them. In 1997 we purchased a new facility and took advantage of the move to purchase and install the latest manufacturing and safety equipment. In the new facility we enjoy a better manufacturing flow and more floor space for warehousing, with room to grow. We have the capability to develop prototypes and tooling in house, which results in shorter turn around time for new/custom products as well as competitive pricing. The principal, Mr. Luis Echenique, has an Industrial Engineering background, which has been put to good use, as a tour of the facility will confirm. He has been involved in fiberglass product design and fabrication for all but two years of his professional life, first as a successful pleasure boat builder in the mid to late sixties and subsequently as partner in a corporation that manufactured institutional and contract furniture and accessories, for seven years, before establishing Glasspec in 1980. The lessons learned in boat building, during that industry's infancy as it transitioned from wood to fiberglass and all that this made possible, were quickly applied to the development and manufacture of other products whose application, in areas such as correctional facilities Glasspec pioneered. At Glasspec we take pride in our personalized customer care, in the fact that we offer our employees a good working environment, as evidenced by the current average length of employment of 7 years and our mission, which is to give the customer the very best fiberglass molded product he/she can purchase for the specific application, at a competitive price, and back it up with our promise that, if anything goes wrong with it, we will make it good. Glasspec can not take credit for having invented any of the products it manufactures but, we do take credit for making these products, better.
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