About Ford Meter Box Co., Inc.

Ford Meter Box Co., Inc.
775 Manchester Ave.
City, state:
Wabash, IN
Postal code:
PO Box:
PO Box 443
United States
(260) 563-3171
(800) 826-3487
The latest addition to the Ford Family is the Uni-Flange line of flange adapters and pipe restrainers. The Uni-Flange adapter series for steel, ductile iron and PVC pipe eliminates the problems of pre-engineered, pre-fabricated pipe systems. All Uni-Flange adapter flanges solve bolt hole alignment problems, allow for misaligned pipe, provides future maintenance capabilities and are UL listed and FM approved.
Uni-Flange restraints for ductile iron and PVC pipe eliminate the need for costly and time consuming concrete thrust blocks. These time and money saving restraints can be installed prior to laying the pipe and the trenches can be backfilled immediately. Uni-Flange pipe restraints offer guaranteed joint restraint, in any soil condition, in minutes!
The Ford Meter Box story is not finished because Ford continues to develop new and innovative products for the water distribution industry. The Ford family of products is available through more than 400 stocking distributors world wide. Don't ask for an equal, insist on the original - Ford Meter Box.
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