About Finelite Inc.

Finelite Inc.
30500 Whipple Road
City, state:
Union City, CA
Postal code:
United States
(510) 441-1100
(510) 441-1510
Jennifer Langsam
Finelite is in the business of better lighting. Finelite designs and builds innovative, high-performance lighting systems for offices and for educational and healthcare facilities. Products include LED task lighting, high performance general illumination light fixtures, and patented plug-and-play lighting systems. Finelite works with architects to make lighting work better for people and to reduce energy consumption. Finelite works with contractors and building owners to meet their schedules and budgets. By joining forces with the California Energy Commission and the New York State Energy Research and Development Agency, Finelite has received national awards for its lighting research projects. Research findings, design support, and education programs are available at no cost to end users, building owners, architects, and contractors. For more information, please visit www.finelite.com.
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